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fungus gnat killer??

GODAXEstarted grow question a month ago
any one have use Safer's end all to get rid of fungus gnat???
Other. Bugs
Chucky324answered grow question a month ago
Hi Bud. Just use this on spider mites. It needs to hit the insects to kill them. Not so good with fungus gnats. The grubs of the gnats are in the soil, so "don't" spray the soil with this. The potassium salts concentrations will effect the plants. This is right beside the end all at the store. Try Doctor Doom's Premium Quality Pyrethrin Insecticide Powder. Sprinkle the powder on the soil and water in. That should slow them down. Try it again in a few days. I've used it and it doesn't hurt the plants. Your best choice for gnats is to order some nematodes and get some yellow sticky traps. Works best!!! Good Luck. Chuck.
Selected By The Grower
heinzhammeranswered grow question a month ago
A combination of Sticky Traps and Watering with BTI worked for me.
Seedleranswered grow question a month ago
biological neem oil with emulsifier, 1ml for 1l and you're gucci, you could drink it or put in on your skin without a problem and will ONLY kill insects
gREEn7o0answered grow question a month ago
I've used this successfully with thrips, I used BTI on gnats in the past with decent results. Combined with sticky traps, and letting soil dry right out. It was when using Gaia green, worm castings mixed with promix hp and additional perlite. The soil took waaay too long to dry out and caused lots of issues, the gnats being one of them.
Mooncatanswered grow question a month ago
Nematodes. Just buy the appropriate sort and they will be gone in a week.
m0useanswered grow question a month ago
BTi or Nematodes, I like Nematodes as it works for me. used BT before as well just like nematodes more. Bother are safe and effective. DE is good in soil for Si, on top it can kill bugs if its dry, but its more a respiratory irritant for humans. not worth it IMO. Long term exposure is asking for COPD. always wear a mask when handling it and wet it down much like perlite dust and such.
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question a month ago
Bti. Use it pre-emptively because gnats come with soil/substrates due to how they are stored and shipped. If you use it the most you'll see is an occasional gnat and most times not even that. it's a bacterica that's been used on the food you eat for decades, so it is safe and you are potentially exposed to it nearly everyday already. in america it comes as "mosquito bits" and "mosquito dunks" and should be effective with just about anything that have a larva life stage in your soil. Adults don't cause any damage but annoyance. The larva is what damages the plants. With an ongoing issue, kiling them at multiple points in their life cycle only makes them go away faster. DE is a mess, but can be helpful as long as it stays drie, so putting it on the soil is mostly worthless... will add some silica from what i understand but if put down in any visible layer it'll also potentially dam up the water at the top and reduce absorption rate significantly. Put it on the ground around garden or pots, but don't put it in your pot unless well mixed into substrate (for silica, not to kill pests, because when wet it doesn't do much for pests)
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question a month ago
Accept them and live with it.As long as they're not out of control they're not a problem.They say you should expect them especially if using organics.The best thing I found was predator mites.They w ere around £15,I think it was ebay of all places.I always have loads of hanging strips which catch loads and the sticky cards near the pot.The sicky traps and making sure the surface of my soil,coco is drying out completely keeps on top of them.In my room I'll have anywhere from 2000-300,10 pots.150 ltrs medium. I guess.I wouldn't used any cemicals of anything you're consuming but that's me,I eat organic.
Grow4Releafanswered grow question a month ago
Diatomaceous earth was what I used when running into them. I swaped to a peat based promix hp and havnt had to fight them like other media. Hope it helps some.
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