chasv77answered grow question 5 years ago Mainlining will set your growth back by at least two weeks. Are you prepared for that?
After the 6th internode is on its way, you cut off that major growth, down to the third internode, and remove all growth below the 3rd internode.
Once the new growth gets long enough, you start your LST, then repeat the cutting, after the new 3rd internode, on each new branches.
At this point you are on your way, unless you want 8 colas, which means do it again. Search the internet for the specifics and pictures.
BTW, when you do cut, leave about 1/4"-1/2" of left over stalk. This helps reduce the chance of splitting your main stalk down the middle, when doing LST.
That usually happens, when you wait too long to start the bending, and the new branches start to get a little too stiff(woody).