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ETHOS Clones (Diary #8)

a year ago
2 years ago
Super fuckin stoked to get these Ethos cuts yesterday. A friend of mine is doing his 4 outside and offered them up for free as he's pruning the bottoms. Another buddy is letting me take cuttings from his Grape Diamonds #17 x Grandpa's Cookies #6 and Kush Cake #10 x Grandpa's Cookies. Likely grab them tonight 😁. 3 strains are out of the Early Girls pack and the other 3 are known to have a fast trigger to bloom and finish in less than 60 days. The hope is that the cuttings in coco root successfully so I can just pitch the backups sitting in water. This is probably the most time I've spent prepping substrate...I've never screened it before so there's's been double buffered and the water is always dechlorinated and pH adjusted. I'm using the Ethos recommended container set-up for this run (pictured) to see if it makes a difference. For the purpose of filling in blank fields, I'll be using the day the roots show up to be the "germination date". Hopefully by the end of the week we'll see some action. I'll veg them a week in the solo cups, then 3-4 weeks in the 5 gallon bags before flipping to 12/12 Update: Secured a cut from the Kush Cake x GP Cookies but the Grape Diamonds had nothing to take. June 25 update: Cuttings in the coco all slumped over so there's likely too much air to start rooting. I'm just keeping them in water until they show roots. It takes longer but it will work. June 30 Update: The Kush Cake cuttings have sprouted roots, so that's great. I took all the other cuts two days before the KC so hopefully the rest follow suit. Both transplanted into solo cups, flushed with 400 PPM A+B & CaMg. July 2 Update: - Mandarin Cookies x Grandpa's Cookies shows roots - Grandpa's Stash shows roots - Early Lemon Berry shows roots - Cherry Gar-See-Ya no roots Once roots build up a bit, I'll get them into solo cups and that will be the end of the "Germination stage".
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
12.7 cm
17 hrs
24 °C
350 PPM
65 %
21 °C
22 °C
21 °C
0 L
0 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 3
CM Plus - Nutri+
CM Plus 0.396 mll
Coco Plus Grow A - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow A 0.396 mll
Coco Plus Grow B - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow B 0.396 mll
The only cuts that haven't shown roots yet are the Cherry Gar-See-Ya. These two Kush Cake x Grandpa's Cookies and Grandpa's Stash are the only ones in coco so far. Mandarin Cookies x Grandpa's Cookies will be next, followed by the Early Lemon Berry, then finally the Cherry GSY. I mix about a tsp of myco into each solo cup after flushing the coco down to 400 PPM. Cuts are transplanted after that and feeding begins. My tap water is 120 PPM so my rate of 400 is actually 280. Might be a little low but I want to make sure they survive transplanting and not get stunted or burnt before they get a chance to take root. Conditions are great right now because of the non-stop rain we've been getting. Temperatures stay between 21-24c and humidity between 60-70%. Goal of the week will be to have all cuttings into coco, but that might be lofty. Here's my feeding log for the week so far, temperature shown is from the runoff (root zone temp): Week 1 (Jul 4-10) --------------------------- Jul 4 (1L) Mix: 1 ml A, 1 ml B, 1 ml CaMg : 4L water KC1 In: 326 PPM/6.3 pH ❌ Out: 331 PPM/6.4 pH (21c) ❌/❌ KC2 In: 326 PPM/6.3 pH ❌ Out: 324 PPM/6.4 pH (21c) ✅/❌ GS1 In: 326 PPM/6.3 pH ❌ Out: 317 PPM/6.4 pH (21c) ✅/❌ GS2 In: 326 PPM/6.3 pH ❌ Out: 330 PPM/6.4 pH (21c) ❌/❌ ✅- PPM is falling/ph in range ❌- Wrong/bad pH/higher PPM After measuring the runoff, I can determine that most plants weren't taking nutrients. The PPM values are either higher or almost the same as the ones going in. If I didn't measure the pH out, I would probably assume I'm overfeeding and drop the PPM for the next event. However, since the root zone pH is at 6.4, it's locking out any nutrients I'm putting in. The pH in for that event was 6.3 (wrong, my bad) so for the next event I'll lower the inflow pH to 5.8 and check that PPM is dropping. Jul 5 AM (0.25-0.5L) Mix: 1ml A, 1ml B, 2ml CaMg : 6L water adjust to 5.8 pH KC1 In: 331 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 318 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) ✅/✅ KC2 In: 331 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 328 PPM/6.1 pH (22c) ✅/❌ GS1 In: 331 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 328 PPM/6.1 pH (22c) ✅/❌ GS2 In: 331 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 319 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) ✅/✅ Today's runoff shows an improvement. The pH out has fallen from 6.4 to 6.0-6.1 and all PPM values are dropping. Knowing the pH range for plants in veg is 5.8-6.0 for coco, I can tell the two plants at 6.1 are still out of range because they aren't feeding as much as the plants with a pH of 6.0. Next event will be identical to this one, maybe with a little more water, and I would expect a lot of these values to start leveling out. Jul 5 PM (0.5-0.75L) Mix: Added 1ml of CaMg to leftover mix KC1 In: 358 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 316 PPM/5.8 pH (22c)✅✅ (-38 PPM) KC2 In: 359 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 315 PPM/5.9 pH (22c)✅✅ (-44 PPM) GS1 In: 352 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 331 PPM/5.9 pH (22c)✅✅ (-21 PPM) GS2 In: 352 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 334 PPM/5.8 pH (23c)✅✅ (-18 PPM) Since I want to get the pH sorted out quickly, I'm going to two watering events a day for the next few days until things normalize. Things are on the right path as I can tell there's a measurable difference in feeding. Root zone pH is now within range and I can start fine tuning the PPM. Since they seemed to take a good amount of the last feed, I'll go up a bit and see what happens. Jul 6 AM (0.25L) Mix: 1.5 ml A, 1.5 ml B, 1.5 ml CaMg : 4L water KC1 In: 380 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 359 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-21 PPM)✅✅ KC2 In: 380 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 357 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-23 PPM)✅✅ GS1 In: 380 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 368 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-12 PPM)✅✅ GS2 In: 380 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 358 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-22 PPM)✅✅ After going up 20 PPM, all plants are still feeding. I'll try another event close to same PPM and see if they consume a similar number. I watered 250 ml and got plenty of runoff out of each. I'm catching the first water out of the container to take these numbers because I need to know what's at the roots. (Flooding it and then taking the measurements afterwards would produce a result closer to what I'm putting in). If the pH climbs over 6.0, I'll use more water...if it's staying in range, I'll use less. As long as I'm getting runoff and a reduction in PPM, I'm happy. Early Lemon Berry and Mandarin Cookies x Grandpa's Cookies are both in solo cups now. Coco was flushed down to 380 PPM/5.8 pH and then mixed with myco. I'm just going to start them at the same PPM and see what it do. Jul 7 AM KC1 In: 379 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 357 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-22 PPM)✅✅ KC2 In: 379 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 359 PPM/ pH (22c) (-20 PPM)✅✅ GS1 In: 379 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 377 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-2 PPM)✅✅ GS2 In: 379 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 372 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-7 PPM)✅✅ So the Kush Cakes are feeding pretty good. Grandpa's Stash, not so much. They're about 4 days behind so I'm thinking I'll have to dilute the solution a bit for these. Haven't watered the Mandarin Cookies or Early Lemon yet, letting them sit in the myco before I get into that. I'll start watering these at the same PPM as the GS's. Not doing two events anymore. Don't think I'm giving them enough time to eat what's available. Jul 8 PM Mix: 1.25 ml A, 1.25 ml B, 1.25 ml CaMg : 4L water KC1 In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 368 PPM/6.1 pH (22c) (-7 PPM)✅ KC2 In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 352 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-23 PPM)✅ GS1 In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 388 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (+13 PPM)❌ GS2 In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 382 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (+7 PPM)❌ Jul 9 AM (0.25L) KC1 In: 403 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 369 PPM/6.1 pH (23c) (-34 PPM) ✅ KC2 In: 403 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 364 PPM/5.9 pH (23c) (-39 PPM)✅ GS1 In: 404 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 390 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-14 PPM)✅ GS2 In: 404 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 388 PPM/6.0 pH (23c) (-16 PPM)✅ - Mix was 12ml CaMg, 12ml A, 10ml B Jul 10 AM (0.25L) KC1 In: 397 PPM/5.7 pH Out: 386 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (- 11 PPM) ✅ KC2 In: 397 PPM/5.7 pH Out: 352 PPM/6.1 pH (22c) (-45 PPM)✅
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
400 PPM
60 %
21 °C
22 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 0.25 mll
CM Plus - Nutri+
CM Plus 0.396 mll
Coco Plus Grow A - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow A 0.396 mll
Week 2 (Jul 11-17) ----------------------------- Flushed the un-mixed and pre-mixed coco as close to 400 PPM/5.8 pH as I could before's definitely on the higher side of both. Myco was mixed in, about half a tsp. I added the shredded coco to the top layer to keep moisture in longer and to allow the roots to use the upper parts of the bag. The other cut is ready to for transplant. These Kush Cakes are beasting. All the other clones are in week 1 and almost ready for transplanting. Just trying to keep the substrate saturated and the PPM and pH in range this week. KC1 is fairly unpredictable with the runoff values, alternating drops and rises in PPM. It could still be dealing with the high PPM of the coco that was sitting around until transplant. Hopefully she levels out and starts producing similar numbers to the KC2. Environment is nice and stable at 21-25c and 55-65% humidity. DLI is between 8-10 based on the 18hr schedule. MH lamp is set at 50% and hovers 20" from the plants. Noticing some slight cupping on the upper leaves so I may end up raising the lamp a few inches. Feeding log: Jul 11 AM (0.25L) KC1 In: 367 PPM/5.7 pH Out: 339 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-28 PPM)✅ GS1 In: 367 PPM/5.7pH Out: 370 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-3 PPM)✅ GS2 In: 367 PPM/5.7 pH Out: 389 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (+22 PPM)❌ MC In: 367 PPM/5.7 pH* Out: 371 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (+4 PPM)❌ ELB In: 367 PPM/5.7 ph* Out: 371 PPM/6.0 pH* (22c) (+4 PPM)❌ ELB2 In: 367 PPM/5.7 pH* Out: 369 PPM/5.9 pH* (21c) (+2 PPM)❌ CG In: 367 PPM/5.7 pH Out: 366 PPM/6.0 pH* (22c) (-1 PPM)✅ Jul 11 PM (New container flush) KC1 In: 439 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 496 PPM*/6.0 pH (21c) (+57 PPM) * May level out Jul 12 AM GS In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 375 PPM/5.8 pH (22c) (+5 PPM) ❌⬇️ MC In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 366 PPM/5.8 pH (21c) (-4 PPM)✅➡️ ELB In: 370 PPM/5.8 ph Out: 326 PPM/5.7 pH (22c) (-44 PPM)✅➡️ ELB2 In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 368 PPM/5.7 pH (21c) (-2 PPM)✅➡️ CG In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 388 PPM/5.8 pH (21c) (+18 PPM)❌⬇️ Jul 12 PM (3-5L) KC1 In: 480 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 444 PPM/5.7 pH (21c) (-36 PPM)➡️✅ KC2 In: 480 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 443 PPM/5.6/7 pH (19/20c) (-37 PPM)➡️✅ * Needed a pretty good soak after not watering for a while Jul 13 AM (2L) KC1 In: 475 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 525 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (+50 PPM) ?❌ KC2 In: 475 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 465 PPM/5.7 pH (20c) (-10 PPM)✅ MC In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 341 PPM/5.8 pH (c) (-34 PPM)✅➡️ ELB In: 375 PPM/5.8 ph Out: 321 PPM/5.8 pH (22c) (-54 PPM)✅➡️ ELB2 In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 358 PPM/5.6 pH (22c) (-17 PPM)✅➡️ CG In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 364 PPM/5.8 pH (22c) (-11 PPM)✅➡️ GS In: 375 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 355 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-20 PPM)✅➡️ * Falling pH KC2/ELB2 (-0.2) Jul 14 AM * Only watered 5 gallon containers KC1 In: 404 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 540 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (+136 PPM)❌ KC2 In: 404 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 464 PPM/5.6 pH (21c) (+60 PPM)❌ MC In: -- PPM/6.0 pH Out: -- PPM/ pH (c) (- PPM) ELB In: 399 PPM/5.8 ph (AM) Out: 389 PPM/5.8 pH (22c) (-10 PPM) ✅ ELB2 In: -- PPM/6.0 pH Out: -- PPM/ pH (c) (PPM) CG In: -- PPM/6.0 pH Out: -- PPM/ pH (c) (-PPM) GS In: 399 PPM/5.8 pH (New container soak) Out: 412 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) ➡️ (soak again PM) • KC1 pH is rising and not feeding, some clawing • KC2 pH is dropping and not feeding, slight clawing The clawing on the KCs might be the beginning of a nitrogen toxicity, locking out the CaMg I've been feeding. May explain the rising PPM values. The dropping pH is a bit of a concern, and generally means overfeeding in my experience. I may have buffered a little strong as things were good until transplanting into the larger containers. Furthermore , if the high PPM is an excess of CaMg, my pH at 5.6 is out of range for uptake. As much as I hate flushing this early, it might be the best time to do it because the coco is totally saturated so it takes next to nothing to get a runoff. I'll try to flush EVERYTHING with a solution @ 375-400 PPM @ 6.0 pH. From there I can get a better idea of who needs what. This going to be a pain in the ass 😂 July 15 AM KC1 In: 418 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 436 PPM/5.8 pH (21c) (+18 PPM) ❌ KC2 In: 418 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 410 PPM/5.6 pH (20c) (-8 PPM)✅ MC In: 367 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 348 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-19 PPM)✅ ELB In: 418 PPM/6.0 ph Out: 409 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (-9 PPM) ✅ ELB2 In: 367 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 348 PPM/5.8 pH (22c) (-19 PPM) ✅ CG In: 367 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 358 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-9 PPM) ✅ GS In: 418 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 422 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (+4 PPM) ❌ Jul 16 AM KC1 In: 416 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 420 PPM/5.8 pH (21c) (+4 PPM)❌ KC2 In: 416 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 409 PPM/5.7 pH (20c) (-7 PPM)✅ MC In: 361 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 338 PPM/5.9 pH (23c) (-23 PPM)✅ ELB In: 408 PPM/6.0 ph Out: 392 PPM/5.8 pH (22c) (-16 PPM)✅ ELB2 In: 361 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 328 PPM/5.8 pH (23c) (-33 PPM)✅ CG In: 361 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 353 PPM/5.8 pH (23c) (-8 PPM)✅ GS In: 408 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 411 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (+3 PPM)❌ Inching closer and closer everyday. I've flushed down all the 5 gallon containers with some feeding and others very close to being even with the inflow. A few more watering events should do the trick. I'll lower PPM to 375 next and keep the pH at 6.0. Transplanted MCxGC and ELB2 to 3 gallon bags. Pretty much out of coco so I may reuse a little from last time to fill the last bag. Still need to soak it in Sensizym to deal with the leftover root matter the screen didn't catch. Just the lone Cherry cut left in the solo cup. It's not showing roots out of the bottom yet anyway as it was the last to start rooting. Jul 17 Watered everything, logged everything and my two notes literally dropped out of my phone. Really glad I've kept this record on grow diaries because I lost ALL my notes on PPM.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
380 PPM
60 %
21 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 4
Mycorrhizal Inoculant - Dynomyco
Mycorrhizal Inoculant 0.25 mll
CM Plus - Nutri+
CM Plus 0.396 mll
Coco Plus Grow A - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow A 0.396 mll
I think the cause of the leaf cupping is a CaMg lockout due to low pH. It's really only happening on plants 5.7 or lower. All plants with a low pH will be watered with a slightly higher pH for the week to keep the range for CaMg uptake. They're all growing and look relatively good, still some minor clawing on a few leaves, which I hope goes away once the pH improves. The last cut (Cherry G-S-Y) will be transplanted tomorrow morning. Currently soaking in Sensizym at pH 5.8. I still have to buffer it and all that too. I'll be topping up some of the bags so it has to be close to what's in the bags now. Environment: --------------------- Humidity: 55-65% (Average 60.8%) Temperature: 21-25c (Average 24c) VPD: 0.81-1.1 DLI: 18 Feeding notes: Jul 18 - Premixed nutes went up 10 PPM to 383 over 24 hours KC1 In: 383 PPM/6.2 pH Out: 372 PPM/5.8 pH (20c) (-11 PPM) ✅➡️ KC2 In: 383 PPM/6.2 pH Out: 373 PPM/5.7 pH (20c) (-10 PPM)✅➡️ MC In: 370 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 356 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (-14 PPM) ✅➡️ ELB In: 383 PPM/6.2 ph Out: 380 PPM/5.7 pH (20c) (-3 PPM)✅⬇️ ELB2 In: 370 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 357 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (-13 PPM) ✅➡️ CG In: 370 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 310 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (-60 PPM)✅➡️ GS In: 383 PPM/6.2 pH Out: 390 PPM/5.7 pH (20 c) (+7 PPM) ❌⬇️ • pH still low on KC2 • Watch substrate temps (not below 20c) • Mixed nutes for tomorrow (370 PPM) I'm mixing the strongest solution and adjusting the highest pH first. Then diluting for the next set and lowering the pH accordingly. Definitely more work than I'm used to. If I can't get the PPM to be consistently lower than inflow, I may have to go to 2 events per day. Currently only watering 4 hours before lights OFF. July 19 Not watering today to let the coco dry out. The leaf cupping could also be overwatering so I'm just trying to eliminate one cause at a time. Transplanted the last cut out of the solo cup and into a 3 gallon bag. Put them under the MH lamp with the rest. Jul 20 Next watering will be tonight and it will be a good dose of CaMg with a pH of 6.3. New plants are fine under MH lamps and I've lowered them accordingly. Leaf cupping is almost certainly a CaMg deficiency due to low pH locking it out. Overwatered the lot of them trying to adjust so I'm letting them dry out some more today and will water tonight if the bags aren't too heavy. Mixed 17 gallons this morning which would work out to about 2 gallons a plant. Hopefully that's enough of a flush to boost the pH. Jul 21 (Low pH plants) Event 1: AM (2L) KC1 In: 385 PPM/6.3 pH Out: 500 PPM/6.6 pH (21c) KC2 In: 385 PPM/6.3 pH Out: 496 PPM/6.3 pH (21c) ELB In: 383 PPM/6.3 pH Out: 504 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) GS In: 383 PPM/6.3 pH Out: 508 PPM/6.7 pH (21c) Runoff of 250-400ml, I took measurements off that. There's insane pH spiking going on with 2 plants. Will check again Event 2: AM (1L) KC1 In: 373 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 410 PPM/5.8 pH (20c) (-PPM) KC2 In: 373 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 415 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (-PPM) ELB In: 375 PPM/5.9 ph Out: 418 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (-PPM) GS In: 375 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 428 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (-PPM) Runoff was almost the entire litre so I need to stop watering. KC1 pH makes zero sense. 5.8 to 6.6 with a 6.3 ph IN, then 6.6 to 5.8 with a 5.9 IN. No idea wtf is going on there. All plants pH at 5.8-6.0 now. Might've been completely wrong diagnosing this leaf's probably overwatering. Starting to get some drooping too. I'm just gonna chill this weekend and not touch them, just try to keep the humidity down when lights are off. May have to let these almost totally dry out to fix this. Jul 21 Fans turned down to low (or off) during lights on. Running a dehumidifier set at 55% in the lung closet during lights off. This keeps the humidity between 55-60% now. I'm going to try to get the night temps to 23-24c and daytime to 27-28c. Jul 22 (2-3L) * 3 gallon containers MC In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 485 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) ELB2 In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 424 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) CG In: 370 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 588 PPM/6.3 pH (21c) Bags were light so I gave them I good drink this morning. The Cherry G-S-Y runoff looked like hangover piss and the PPM out was way higher than the others.
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
22.86 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
600 PPM
60 %
22 °C
21 °C
22 °C
19 L
1 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 3
CM Plus - Nutri+
CM Plus 0.396 mll
Coco Plus Grow A - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow A 0.396 mll
Coco Plus Grow B - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow B 0.396 mll
Didn't water for 3 full days to let the containers dry out. Was fully expecting a massive spike in PPM runoff due to the amount of time the solution has sat in the substrate but it was the exact opposite. As you can see by the IN/OUT below, they're feeding just fine. The pH is in range for the most part so that's a small victory. However, there are still cupping leaves. The lamps were raised 5 days ago to eliminate light stress as a culprit and humidity was lowered to 60% MAX (lights off). The problem may actually be underfertilizing but I'm still going to lay off the watering frequency. We'll get to the bottom of this yet! The plants in the 3 gallon bags will get a drink tonight. Just didn't want to soak everything 3 hours before the lights go off. July 25 AM KC1 In: 580 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 513 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-67 PPM) ✅ KC2 In: 580 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 432 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (-148 PPM) ✅ GS In: 580 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 530 PPM/6.1 pH (21c) (-50 PPM) ✅ ELB In: 580 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 516 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (-64 PPM) ✅ • 2-3L produced 300ml of runoff Jul 26 AM (2L) *MC In: 472 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 520 PPM/6.1 pH (21c) (+48 PPM) ❌ *ELB2 In: 472 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 511 PPM/6.1 pH (21c) (+39 PPM) ❌ *CG In: 472 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 606 PPM/6.3 pH (21c) (+144 PPM) ❌ - 400ml runoff - Node spacing is increasing from the lamp height - pH is creeping up - Leaf cupping on new inside growth (MC) I'm wondering if this pH problem I've been having is because I'm trying to adjust the inflow with the runoff values... If the plant is using energy to raise a low pH to use the locked out nutrients and I keep dousing it to lower it, that can't be helping. The 3 gallons are at week 3 since rooting so I might've been ph'ing low at 5.8. I probably should've started around 6.2 for CaMg uptake during early growth. Coming off my worst yield yet and now these new issues...yikes. I've had better results not even checking runoff and PPM etc...I'm pitching the nutes and opening new bottles. Maybe it's old I'm out of ideas Jul 28 PM (2L) "KC1 In: 605 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 588 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (-17 PPM) ✅ "KC2 In: 605 PPM/5.9 pH (3L) Out: 532 PPM/6.0 pH (22c) (-73 PPM) ✅ "GS In: 605 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 595 PPM/6.1 pH (20c) (-10 PPM) ✅ "ELB In: 605 PPM/5.9 pH (2.25L) Out: 617 PPM/6.0 pH (21c) (+12 PPM) ❌ 5 gallon bags are doing ok...cupping is a little better since I allowed the humidity to creep up. Checking my VPD, it was a little low for the temperature. Watering every 3 days for now. Lamps are back down to 30". 3 gallon bags are staying wet a lot longer than I expected them to so they're drying out as well. July 29 I topped the 2 Kush Cakes and the Mandarin Cookies to let the lower growth catch up. Not taking any stalk off this time, just clipped the new growth at the very top. Jul 30 PM (2L) *MC In: 510 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 627 PPM/6.1 pH (21c) (+117 PPM) ❌ *ELB2 In: 510 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 531 PPM/6.1 pH (21c) (+21 PPM) ❌ *CG In: 510 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 545 PPM/6.3 pH (21c) (+35 PPM) ❌ • 2L in, 300-400ml out • CG pH is rising out of range • Water tomorrow 1L @ 475 PPM/5.9 pH Either need to water more at each event to get more runoff , or more frequently to keep the PPM from climbing too high. Jul 31 AM (3-4L) "KC1 In: 602 PPM/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 557 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (-45 PPM) ✅ "KC2 In: 602 PPM/5.8 pH (4L) Out: 552 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (-50 PPM) ✅ "GS In: 602 PPM/5.8 pH (4L) Out: 610 PPM/5.9 pH (21c) (+8 PPM) ❌ "ELB In: 600 PPM/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 550 PPM/5.9 pH (22c) (-50 PPM) ✅ • Clawing fan leaves, have to water more often (PPM spikes) Cupping leaves continue. Fans aren't pointing at them directly, lights have been raised with no improvement, watering cut from once a day to every 3 days, pH seems good, don't think I'm overfeeding, there's no bugs, temperature stays under 27c and above 21c... It's only the Grandpa's Cookies X's so who knows. Not me. This upcoming week I'm trying to get the humidity to 60% minimum during lights on to satisfy VPD.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
45.72 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
550 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 3
CM Plus - Nutri+
CM Plus 1 mll
Coco Plus Grow A - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow A 1 mll
Coco Plus Grow B - Nutri+
Coco Plus Grow B 1 mll
VEGETATION WEEK 4/5 (Aug 1-7) ---------------------------------------------------- Aug 1 AM (2L) *MC In: 470 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 650 PPM/ 6.1 pH (21c) (+180 PPM) ❌ *ELB2 In: 470 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 536 PPM/ 6.1 pH (21c) (+66 PPM) ❌ *CG In: 470 PPM/5.9 pH Out: 524 PPM/6.2 pH (21c) (+54 PPM) ❌ Jesus I think I need to flush. These ones in 3 gallon bags haven't given me a negative PPM runoff in two weeks and it's really starting to piss me off. EAT SOMETHING!! I built an evaporative cooler to drop temps and boost humidity. It gets packed with frozen water bottles and sits in the lung closet during lights on. The fan on top pulls air in, the ice cools it and it's forced out the 2" elbows. We'll see if it does anything. Aug 3 The leaf cupping is improving. Hard to pinpoint what's helping though. I've boosted the lights on humidity to 55-58% and keeping temps below 27c. Watering tonight. PM: 3L each "KC1 In: 607 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 716 PPM/5.9 pH (20c) (+119 PPM) ❌ "KC2 In: 607 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 715 PPM/5.9 pH (20c) (+118 PPM) ❌ "GS In: 607 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 732 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (+135 PPM) ❌ "ELB In: 607 PPM/5.8 pH Out: 775 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (+168 PPM) ❌ • 715 ppm = 1.4 EC out • 3L produced 600-700ml runoff (>20%) • Purple streaking on stalks/fan stems (Not GS) So the EC/PPM out is a bit high (just like me). There's a bit of clawing on the fan leaves indicating a nitrogen excess. I'm going to scale back the PPM to 550 and use mostly CalMag and the part B and cut part A in half. I don't really want to flush because the cupping leaves are improving and I think that has to do with the decreased watering frequency. A few fungus gnats have found the sticky traps but they're usually stragglers from the upstairs houseplants. If the runoff is crazy high next event I'll consider a flush with the final liter being a H202 water mixture to fry any eggs that might be in the substrate. 4:1 water/H202 ratio. Aug 6 PM (4L) "KC1 In: 515 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 615 PPM/6.1 pH (20c) (+100 PPM) "KC2 In: 515 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 627 PPM/6.1 pH (20c) (+112 PPM) "GS In: 515 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 733 PPM/6.0 pH (20c) (+218 PPM) "ELB In: 515 PPM/6.0 pH Out: 708 PPM/6.1 pH (21c) (+193 PPM) • 4L produced 1L runoff I'm getting conflicting information about runoff PPM/EC. Some sites say if you aren't getting a PPM lower than what you put in, you're plants aren't feeding and you're overfertilizing. Others say up to +300 PPM is ok and that EC SHOULD BE HIGHER OR THE SAME. I'm feeding at half strength of bottle directions. Some ppl say they use bottle directions PLUS 20%. I get that feeding is strain dependant but there's a huge discrepancy there. There's been more bug activity than usual this week. More and more flies are finding the sticky traps and I've seen a few fly up from the bottom of the pots when I lift them. Sometimes I see one on top of the coco while I'm watering. I can't tell if they're fungus gnats or root aphids though. Have to look closely with a loupe. If it's root aphids, this may have been the cause of the leaf cupping the whole time. I think it may be time for an H202 treatment. Aug 7 PM I mixed 1L H202 with 4L water and pH'd to 6.0. Each 5 gallon bag got 1L each, producing around 150-200ml of runoff. I'm leaving the runoff in the dish, maybe it will kill any that fall in. The Cherry did a lot fizzing so that was the one with the most larvae. I'll have to wait a few days to see how the plants react to the H202. Apparently it's good for root health because it adds oxygen to the root zone and helps with overwatering issues. Next watering will be a low EC mix of CalMag, Compost tea and Sensizym.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
40.64 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
500 PPM
55 %
22 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
3 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 6
MgS04 0.05 mll
H202 3% 0.05 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 2 mll
VEGETATION WEEK 6 (Aug 8-14) --------------------------------------------------- Aug 8 All containers are on the light side but I'm going to wait until the top 2" are dry until I water next. Plus I want to see what, if any, pest activity surfaces. The new sticky traps I put out yesterday are clean, so that's good. Still not positive if I have fungus gnats or root aphids, but the treatment is the same so I'll do another H202 event near the end of the week. As long as I stay ahead of the incubation period (10-14 days) these assholes won't be a problem. Once I snuff out them out, there shouldn't be any reason not to start blooming. I took cuttings from KC/ELB/MC from the bottoms of the plants last night and into water. I'll cut from GS soon and CG when she starts bushing out. That bitch is keeping it close to the chest. Cuts took up to 22 days to show roots so that would leave plenty of time to veg them out and get a stagger going. This is the last week of veg before I go to 12/12 with the 5 gallon bags. All new growth looks good, no cupping. I'll have to move the CG and MC into another room until they catch up to the rest when I change the light schedule. Aug 9 AM Took 2 cuttings from GS this morning, the lowest two branches. I also clipped the fan leaves from branches with 5 nodes. One trap (KC2) had one fly on it, I found one on the floor and one on a wall. Comparing the two on Google it looks like a fungus gnat to me (long legs and mosquito type body). Easily the better of the two pests. Unless I have both. Going to wait and see how light the bags are tonight before watering again. May wait another day if I can. I don't want to fertilize yet because I don't want to feed any pests in the root zone. I also don't want to do two H202 waterings in a row... Aug 9 PM "KC1 In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH (4L) Out: 1.2 EC/6.1 pH (20c) (+0.2 EC) "KC2 In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.2 EC/6.1 pH (20c) (+0.2 EC) "GS In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.2 EC/6.1 pH (21c) (+0.2 EC) "ELB In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH (4L) Out: 1.3 EC/6.2 pH (19c) (+0.3 EC) Apparently these are on the high side of acceptable runoff values. Another watering will get it closer and bring the pH down. Aug 10 AM *MC In: 0.8 EC/5.7 pH Out: 0.7 EC/6.3 pH (21c) (-0.1 EC) *CG In: 0.8 EC/5.8 pH Out: 0.8 EC/6.3 pH (20c) (=EC=) • Need to lower pH from 6.3 to 5.8 Usually don't see a drop in EC from runoff so it APPEARS MC fed heavily this event. pH is all wack (+0.5) so that needs to come down to 5.8-6.0. I'm going back to daily watering to keep the EC in check. I'll start with 1L daily and see how much runoff I get. The cupping leaves had me thinking I was overwatering but now I don't think that's the case at all. Still finding random fungus gnats, but the traps are clean. End of the week I will apply another H202 treatment. Started a foliar feeding regiment using MgS04. 1/2 tsp per litre pH'd to 5.8. I'm spraying them right after lights off and an hour before lights on. Hoping this clears up the purple streaks on the stalks and leaf stems. Topped the Grandpa's Stash so that's all of them but the Cherry. It looks like it will stay compact so I'm leaving it alone. Aug 10 PM "KC1 In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH (4L) Out: 1.1 EC/6.0 pH (21c) (+EC) "KC2 In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH (1L) Out: 1.3 EC/pH (c) (+EC) not done "GS In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH (1L) Out: 1.3 EC/pH (c) (+EC) not done "ELB In: 1.0 EC/5.8 pH (4L) Out: 1.1 EC/6.1 pH (20c) (+EC) • pH reader off calibration. Ended watering There's never a good time to have your ph reader go off. I watered all plants with 1L @ 1.0 EC/5.8 pH. 250-300ml runoff put out some rather disturbing numbers. Runoffs were between 1.3 and 1.7 with a pH north of 6.1. So that's not good. I had put an extra 3L into two of them and runoff EC was 1.1. pH still a touch high (+ 0.3) but acceptable. This is where I lost the pH ✅ on the reader. It's nice that Bluelab pens have that because otherwise, how tf would you know?? Just blindly calibrate a meter using up buffers? Whatever, anyway, that's when I stopped because I didn't have any ph buffers. I'll pick that up when the shop opens and finish that event at lights on. Some flies on the surface of the pots, buzzing around when I started watering. Not liking that. I topped all the pots with straight perlite...idk maybe it does something, maybe it doesn't...I have a bunch of it. Probably end up mixing it in to the previous top layer of pure coco. I used the same ratio as I did with 3 gallon containers so there probably isn't enough perlite in there to begin with. Again, maybe that's part of the leaf cupping issue (yeah it's still kinda there). I wanted to flip to bloom next week but it looks like I've got a bit of work to do before they're ready for that. Aug 11 PM • Calibrated pH meter *MC In: 0.8 EC/5.8 pH Out: 0.8 EC/5.9 pH (19c) (+EC) *CG In: 0.8 EC/5.8 pH Out: 0.8 EC/5.8 pH (19c) "KC2 In: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH (19c) (+EC) "GS In: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 1.1 EC/5.7 pH (20c) (+EC) Yeah now we're back on it. pH meter was - 0.5 from base. Back to growing after a calibration. pH must've been off for a few days but after tomorrow everything should be ok. Low A ton of fkn around for no reason. Back to basics brother. Keep it simple DUDE. Aug 12 PM (1.5-2.5L) "KC1 In: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.2 EC/5.9 pH (19c) (+0.1 EC)🆗 "KC2 In: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH (19c) (--EC--)✅ "GS In: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.7 pH (19c) (--EC--)✅ "ELB In: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.2 EC/5.8 pH (20c) (+0.1 EC)🆗 *MC In: 0.9 EC/5.8 pH Out: 0.9 EC/6.0 pH (19c) (--EC--)✅ 🌡️: 25.6c✅ ❄️: 21.9c✅ 🌧️: 65.5%✅ ☁️: 59.6%✅ • Back lamp to 100% (at lights ON) Aug 14 AM (3L @ 22c) Mix: 4ml CaMg, 4ml A, 4ml B : 6L = 1.1 EC "KC1 In: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH (21c) (--EC--)✅ "KC2 In: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (--EC--)✅ "GS In: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.8 pH (22c) (--EC--)✅ "ELB In: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.2 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (+0.1 EC)🆗 *MC In: 0.9 EC/5.9 pH Out: 0.9 EC/6.1 pH (21c) (--EC--) 🆗 *CG In: 0.9 EC/5.9 pH Out: 0.9 EC/6.0 pH (21c) (--EC--) 🆗 Added High/Low Temp/Humidity to daily notes Added solution temperature IN to daily notes H202 treatment on KC1/2 and CG at lights ON After watering this morning, the two KC's both had flies come out of the perlite layer. I got a few of them with the sticky trap but they're still hanging around. Last day of the week so another dose of H202 is incoming. Runoffs look good after skipping a day so I may be able to get away with watering every other day. I've got the lights ON humidity close to 60% @ 25c and hasn't gone below 55%. Lights off starts around 55% and climbs to nearly 65% before the lights come on. So VPD is inching closer to ideal. Aug 14 PM (3/4L H202 {1:4} on KCs/CG) • Turned lamp up to 100% at 7 pm Mix: 6ml CaMg, 6ml A, 6ml B, 6ml B-52: 4.5L = 1.7 EC "KC1 In: 1.3 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.1 EC/6.0 pH (21c) (-0.2 EC)✅ "KC2 In: 1.3 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH (21c) (-0.2 EC)✅ "GS In: 1.3 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.2 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (-0.1 EC)✅ "ELB In: 1.3 EC/5.8 pH Out: 1.3 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (--EC--)✅ *MC In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH Out: 0.9 EC/6.2 pH (20c) (-0.1 EC)✅ *CG In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH Out: 0.9 EC/6.2 pH (20c) (-0.1 EC)✅ 🌡️: 25c ✅ ❄️: 21.3c✅ 🌧️: 62.3%✅ ☁️: 56.2%✅ Stepped up the EC by 0.2, added B52 to the mix
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
38.1 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
850 PPM
60 %
23 °C
23 °C
23 °C
18 L
1 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 5
MgS04 0.05 mll
H202 3% 0.05 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 2 mll
LEGEND: 🌡️- Temp High ❄️ - Temp Low 🌧️ - Humidity High ☁️ - Humidity Low 📈 - VPD High 📉 - VPD Low I have to start the week by giving a BIG shout to @FrontRowAG_BrianG If you aren't following this man, I highly suggest you do so. Wealth of knowledge and some eye popping, jaw dropping diaries. WATCH THE VIDEOS! I put mosquito dunks (lil bits) in my standing water buckets just as a safeguard against any eggs or larvae. Picked up a bottle of AN's B-52 and added that into to the feed schedule. I turned off one of the lamps in favor of all 6 under one lamp at full power. Really no point in wasting the hydro and spacing them out this early. Going to continue with the simulated sunrise/sunset by turning the lamp down to 60% two hours before lights off, and back up to 100% two hours after lights on. End of Week Goals: 1- Raise EC from 1.3 to 1.7 ✅ 2- Maintain plant canopy height (LST)✅ 3- See an improvement/elimination of gnats✅ 4- 2nd topping 5- Removing all the lower-inside growth tips ✅ 6- Raise temps ✅ I want to have everything in order to ensure a smooth transition to bloom next week. Aug 15 No watering. I've increased the lights on temperature to 28c/78F and the humidity still sits between 55-65%. I had a thought about the leaf curl I was having and after all the troubleshooting, it may have actually been TOO COLD! Waiting to see what a few days of warmer temperatures does for them. My lights OFF temperature was also too low for the amount of humidity in the room. I was probably in danger of WPM if I didn't make the changes so now lights off temps are around 23-24c. Also keeps VPD in range. Starting to feel better about this run. Watering tonight if I don't get too drunk on the golf course today. 🌡️: 27.5c ✅ ❄️: 23.4c✅ 🌧️: 62.1%✅ ☁️: 57.8%✅ 📈: 1.3 (Slightly high last few hrs of lights on) 📉: 0.95 ✅ Aug 16 PM (2-3L @ 24c) "KC1 In: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.4 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (-0.1 EC)✅ "KC2 In: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.1 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (-0.4 EC)✅ "GS In: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (--EC--)✅ "ELB In: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH (3L) Out: 1.5 EC/6.0 pH (22c) (--EC--)✅ *MC In: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.2 EC/6.0 pH (22c) (-0.3 EC)✅ *CG In: 1.5 EC/5.9 pH Out: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (23c) (-0.5 EC)✅ 🌡️: 27.7c✅ ❄️: 23.4c✅ 🌧️: 65.4%✅ ☁️: 58.6%✅ 📈: 1.27 (Slightly high last few hrs of lights on) 📉: 0.99 ✅ Hungry girls for the most part. Will do another fertigation or two at 1.5 EC and move up to 1.7 end of week. As much as I want to flip to bloom next week, I'm thinking another week of veg will get them a bit beefier. Aug 17 (1L @ 5.8 pH / 24c) Mix: 8ml A, 8ml B: 4L water = 1.8 EC (+2L water = 1.5 EC) No runoff on this event. Not entirely shocking as I boosted temps the last few days. VPD is actually really good for most of the day, with the exception of about 4 hours at the end of the light period. Temperatures stay in the high 70's/low 80's but humidity will drop from low-mid 60's to mid-high 50's (just outside of the ideal range). This concept is relatively new to me so I'm not going to do TOO much to correct that. With my day temperatures around 80F I need humidity at 60% minimum and I'm in the 57/62% range. So close. I may just lower day time temperatures a hair and that may do it. Lights off VPD is pretty much bang on now that I've boosted temps to 74F. 🌡️: 26.7c✅ ❄️: 22.6⬆️ 🌧️: 68.1% ✅ ☁️: 56.2% ⬆️ 📈: 1.22 ⬇️ 📉: 0.9 ✅ Aug 18 PM (1/2-1L @ 24c) Mix: 8ml A, 8ml B: 4L water = 1.8 EC (+2L water = 1.5 EC) • No runoff 🌡️: 27.5c✅ ❄️: 23.6c ✅ 🌧️: 64.8% ✅ ☁️: 55.3%⬆️ 📈: 1.17 ✅ 📉: 1.1 ✅ Another fertigation without runoff. Although KC/GS had a very small amount in the catch dish. Wondering if I should let it dry out for a day. Getting some low humidity towards the end of the light cycle and that raises the VPD for the last 4 hours or so. I'm going to set multiple starts and stops on the exhaust fan timer to allow humidity to build/drop when needed. Aug 19 • No water 🌡️: 27.9c🆗 ❄️: 23.3c⬆️ 🌧️: 62.7%🆗 ☁️: 56.5% 🆗 📈: 1.32⬇️ 📉: 1.17✅ Had a busy day and didn't get into the room. Humidity is still a little low for the light period and a bit high for the dark period. The dehumidifier spikes the temps up near 26 so running the intake with it should keep it down. Big water tonight and runoff test. See how they handle two days of light watering and a full day off. Aug 20 PM (3L @ 23c) Mix: 16ml CaMg, 16ml A, 16ml B, 12ml B52 : 8L water = 2.1 EC) "KC1 In: 1.7 EC/5.7 pH Out: 1.6 EC/6.5 pH (24c) (-0.1 EC) ✅ "KC2 In: 1.7 EC/5.7 pH Out: 1.6 EC/6.5 pH (22c) (-0.1 EC) ✅ "GS In: 1.7 EC/5.7 pH Out: 1.9 EC/6.0 pH (23c) (+0.2 EC)✅ "ELB In: 1.7 EC/5.7 pH Out: 1.9 EC/5.8 pH (24c) (+0.2 EC)✅ *MC In: 1.7 EC/5.7 pH (2.25L) Out: 2.1 EC/6.1 pH (24c) (+0.4 EC)🆗 *CG In: 1.7 EC/5.7 pH (2.25 L) ✅ Out: 1.9 EC/6.2 pH (23c) (+0.2 EC) • Run another 1L through all @ 1.7 EC / 5.5 pH) • Only a few flies, no new on traps Event 2 (1L) "KC1 In: 1.7 EC/5.5 pH Out: 1.5 EC/6.1 pH (24c) (-0.2 EC) ✅ "KC2 In: 1.7 EC/5.5 pH Out: 1.4 EC/6.2 pH (23c) (-0.3 EC) ✅ "GS In: 1.7 EC/5.5 pH (2L) Out: 1.7 EC/6.0 pH (23c) (--EC--) ✅ "ELB In: 1.7 EC/5.5 pH (2L) Out: 1.9 EC/6.0 pH (23c) (+0.2 EC) ✅ *MC In: 1.7 EC/5.5 pH Out: 1.8 EC/6.2 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ *CG In: 1.7 EC/5.5 pH Out: 1.8 EC/6.2 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ 🌡️: 27.9c ✅ ❄️: 23.8c ✅ 🌧️: 65% ✅ ☁️: 60.6% ✅ 📈: 1.1-1.3 🆗⬇️ 📉: 0.9✅ We're doing alright after three days of relatively no water. First runoffs out of the bags were about 2.2-2.4 EC. After draining out, the numbers were a lot closer to base. I decided to run another liter through them to try to drop the pH a bit. Runoff pH is high across the board but I'm not sure how much I should care about that. A lot websites say the runoff pH doesn't matter because you're replacing it with a new pH'd solution. I feel like it matters though. Chime in if you know how concerned I should be with runoff pH rising, even though I'm dropping the solution pH. Curious. I took another cutting from the GS and two from CG. I've got 2 cuts (KC/ELB) already showing roots so I'll be buffering more coco at some point this week. Aug 21 PM (1/2-1L @ 1.8 EC/5.6 pH/22c) Mix: 12ml A, 12ml B, 7ml Tea: 6L water = 1.8 EC • New mix added to approx 2L of last one • Little to no runoff from 1L • Spaced out plants and turned on 2nd lamp 🌡️: 27.9c✅ ❄️: 22.1 c ⬆️❌ 🌧️: 65%✅ (until midnight) ☁️: 50.6%⬆️❌ 📈: 1.43⬇️ (Humidity dropped from probe on lamp) 📉: 0.81-1.02 ✅ (23-24c / 60-65%) • Probe dropped near a lamp and "boosted" the temp • Actually dropped humidity by triggering fans • Low humidity all night (50-55%) Last day of VEG. Bad luck with my temperature probe... it dropped from it's hook and landed on the top of a lamp, causing the hot sensor to activate the fans. Humidity dropped all night. We've raised the EC to 1.8, with the substrate reaching as high as 2.4 with no signs of nute burn. I'm honestly not believing what I'm seeing. This EC is scary to me because this is usually where I'd be at peak bloom. So I've been underfertilizing and not paying attention to VPD as much as I should. Hammer time.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
21 °C
23 °C
23 °C
18 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 7
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1.585 mll
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 2 mll
Pure Blend Tea - Botanicare
Pure Blend Tea 1.321 mll
Here we go! Bloom period begins today!! Goals for the week: • KEEP CONDITIONS THE SAME AS LAST WEEK • USE FULL VEG NUTES • Add Sensizym to feed schedule • Increase EC from 1.8-2.0 • Keep MH bulbs in until end of week • Tie branches down as they stretch • Swap MH to HPS end of week No signs of fungus gnats, either flying or new ones on traps. Mosquito dunks in every bucket of water going forward. It's like a pesticide with every watering! I replaced the sticky traps to be able to spot any new activity. Turned on the 2nd lamp and gave the girls some elbow room. It's going to boost temperatures so I've really gotta watch the humidity for the next few days. Got some big storms in the forecast so that should help. Added some 4' stakes to the 5g containers for support in anticipation of heavy flowers🤞. I'm motivated baby, let do this thing!! Aug 22 AM (no water) 🌡️: 28c ✅ ❄️: 22.8 ⬆️ 🌧️: 63%✅ ☁️: 55.1% ✅ 📈: 1.34⬇️ 📉: 0.95✅ 📊: 1.15-1.32 ✅⬇️ Aug 22 PM (1.5L @ 22c) Mix: 12ml A, 12ml B, 7.5ml Tea: 6L water = 2.4 EC + 3L water = 1.8 EC • Dehumidifier was set to 45-50% (AM) • Lamps at 400w by accident • pH 5.8 • Very little or no runoff Aug 23 AM (1/2-1L @ 24c) Mix: 12ml CaMg, 16ml A, 16ml B, 16ml B52, 12ml Sensizym : 10L water = 2.0 EC + 1L water = 1.8 EC • Bit of runoff (100ml) 🌡️: 28.6c⬇️ ❄️: 23.9c✅ 🌧️: 60.4⬆️ ☁️: 54.4%⬆️ 📈: 1.48 ⬇️ 📉: 0.95 ✅ 📊: 1.25-1.34 ⬇️ Aug 23 PM (1.5L @ 21c) Mix: LEFTOVER FROM AM EVENT + 1L water (1.6 EC/5.8 pH) • Little more runoff, but not a lot Had to use up the rest of the mix from last event. Bags were still a touch heavy. Activating the 2nd lamp has temperatures close to the mid 80's now. It's almost impossible to keep the humidity above 60% at this point. I've added one of those slow release CO2 bags to help them cope with higher temperatures, as well as a bottle of silica to reduce stress from the heat. Could be bullshit but even a little extra isn't going to hurt anything. *Exhale 365 CO2 bag inoculated (30-45 days to max ppm 1500)* Aug 24 PM (1L @ 22c) Mix: 7ml Pro Silicate, 12ml CaMg: 8L water = 1.0 EC/5.6 pH • Some plants have runoff (KC's and GS) 🌡️: 83.5F ⬇️ ❄️: 71.4F ⬆️ 🌧️: 65.8%✅ ☁️: 55.0%✅ 📈: 1.29🆗⬇️ 📉: 0.97✅ 📊: 1.15-1.22🆗⬇️ After mixing the silica, I waited 30 minutes. The pH jumped to 9.0 so I adjusted it down to 5.5. I added in the CaMg in at full strength and adjusted to 5.6 before watering. I'm changing my hygrometer probe in the room from C to F so it's quicker to reference my VPD chart. Big watering tonight with runoff measurements. Aug 25 PM (2-3L @ 21c) Mix: 28ml A, 28ml B, 24ml B52 : 14L water = 2.2 EC (+1L) "KC1 In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 2.3 EC/5.7 pH (22c) (+0.3 EC) ✅ "KC2 In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 2.1 EC/6.0 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ "GS In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 2.1 EC/5.7 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ "ELB In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (3L) Out: 3.2 EC/5.7 pH (24c) (+1.2 EC) ❌ *MC In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (2L) Out: 3.2 EC/5.7 pH (23c) (+1.2 EC) ❌ *CG In: 2.0 EC/5.8 pH (2L) Out: 2.5 EC/5.8 pH (23c) (+0.5 EC) ❌ • ELB/MC had nearly zero runoff after 2-3L • Poured 1-2L plain ph 5.8 water in all but KC's • H202 on MC 🌡️: 82.4F✅ ❄️: 75F✅ 🌧️: 59.5%⬆️ ☁️: 56.8%⬆️ 📈: 1.34⬇️ 📉: 0.95✅ 📊: 1.24🆗⬇️ Getting nervous after measuring these runoffs. A few plants are over 3 EC...might've been dirty trays idk...No burnt tips yet anyway. The VPD is improving slightly but it's more in the range of mid-late bloom right now. Temperatures are around 83.5F so that's getting a bit hot. The heat could definitely be boosting the EC, along with the reduced amount of water over the last 3 days. Humidity is down with the increase in heat. I'm just filling 5 gallon buckets and placing them around the room during lights on and removing them at night. New flies on the sticky traps so I need to get more Hydrogen peroxide. Changed the busier traps out for now. Seems like a lot going on but they're looking good. Still getting some purple leaf stems and purple streaks on the stalks. It's on all of them so it isn't genetics. More likely a lockout than a deficiency. Tying the taller branches down to spread them out and letting the lowers catch up. All of them are pretty level with a series of trays under them to boost the shorter ones. There hasn't been a huge stretch so I'll make the switch to HPS bulbs for the second week. Phew 😅 Aug 26 PM (1L @ 20c) Mix: 14ml A, 14ml B, 12ml B52, 7ml Compost Tea, 14ml Sensizym : 7L water = 2.0 EC • Small runoff on GS/CG/ELB/MC • None from KCs 🌡️: 80.4F ✅ ❄️: 70.3F ⬆️ 🌧️: 63.8% ✅ ☁️: 52.5% ⬆️ 📈: 1.32 ⬇️ 📉: 0.97 ✅ 📊: 1.27 ⬇️ VPD is still high on average but with good chunks of time in range. Humidity doesn't get much higher than 58% during the bulk of lights on but I'm not gonna sweat it too much. I may increase the humidity threshold to 55% for lights off to allow the humidity to climb overnight. New growth is exploding and that will boost the humidity as well. Aug 27 PM (1-2L @ 21c) Mix: 7.5ml Pro Silicate, 20ml CaMg : 8L water = 1.1 EC • 5.6 pH • 2L into MC/ELB, 1.5L into KC/GS, 1L into CG • Good runoff out of MC • No runoff from ELB or CG • Very small amounts from KCs/GS 🌡️: 83.3F ⬇️ ❄️: 72.5F✅ 🌧️: 64.1%✅ ☁️: 50.6% ⬆️ 📈: 1.65 ❌⬇️ (83.3F/50.3%) 📉: 0.88 ✅ 📊: 1.12 ✅ • Dryer outside, less humidity inside • Lower temps and/or raise humidity Aug 28 (4-6L @ 21c) Mix: 28ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 36ml B52, 24ml Bloom A, 24ml Bloom B, 25ml Tea : 10 gallon water = 2.0 EC "KC1 In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.4 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (+0.4 EC)🆗 "KC2 In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (+0.2 EC)✅ "GS In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.3 EC/5.7 pH (21c) (+0.3 EC)✅ "ELB In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (6L) Out: 2.6 EC/5.6 pH (21c) (+0.6 EC)🆗 *MC In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.4 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (+0.4 EC)🆗 *CG In: 2.0 EC/5.6 pH (4L) Out: 2.5 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (+0.5 EC)🆗 🌡️: 80.4F✅ ❄️: 72.3F✅ 🌧️: 64.8% ✅ ☁️: 54.6%⬆️ 📈: 1.32 ⬇️ 📉: 0.89 ✅ 📊: 1.2 ✅ Last day of week one. Runoffs are alright for the most part, dumped a gallon into each. Bags were light and I got almost no runoff from 2L. Still playing around with the environment trying to get the heat down. Not having a ton of luck and there's a heat wave coming. AC will be running so that means lower humidity lol. Here we go
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
71.12 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
55 %
21 °C
22 °C
22 °C
18 L
2 L
45.72 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A 2 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B 2 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1 mll
Bloom Transition Week 2 (Aug 29-Sept 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Goals for Week 2: - CHANGE BULBS TO HPS ✅ - INITIATE CO2 ✅ - MAINTAIN LST UNTIL DAY 10 ✅ - GET HUMIDITY TO 60% (55% CURRENTLY)✅ - VPD 0.8-1.2✅ - END OF WEEK FLUSH ❌ - ADD BLOOM NUTES AT 25% (75% VEG) ✅ - FULL BLOOM NUTRIENTS BY WEEK END ❌ - DEFOLIATE AT END OF WEEK ✅ This week I'll continue LST training until Thursday and then let em reach for the sky. Big flush at the end of the week and then full bloom feed the rest of the way. I'll put the Exhale 365 CO2 bag into the room at lights on and remove it at lights off every day (so annoying) until harvest. It's been inoculating for the week in another room. Claims to reach 1500 ppm in about 30-45 days. Will it ever reach 1500? No. Is my room closed loop? No...Does it matter? YES! WILL I DO IT ANYWAY?? EEEEEYESSSSSSS DUDEEE!!! It's gotta be better than the hour a day I'm in there breathing on them 😆 Aug 29 (1L @ 2.0 EC/5.6 ph) All plants took 1L with no runoffs. Big watering on Friday, then I'll let them dry out until the end of the week. They should be bone dry after 3 days without water and ready for a flush. 🌡️: 82.2F ✅ ❄️: 71.8F ⬆️ 🌧️: 64.6% ✅ ☁️: 59.6% ✅ 📈: 1.25 🆗 📉: 0.77 ⬆️ 📊: 1.08 ✅ Big rain and some cold days/nights boosted humidity levels in a good way. Heat wave starts Sunday so I really gotta watch the environment this weekend. Aug 30 (1.5L @ 21c) Mix: 14ml VEG A + 14ml VEG B, 6ml BLM A, 6ml BLM B, 9ml B52, 10ml Compost Tea : 9L water = 1.9 EC / 5.8 pH • Very small amount of runoff (40ml) Same thing tomorrow but with Silica and CaMg. Upping the daily watering amount to 1.5L. 🌡️: 81.1F ✅ ❄️: 70.5F ⬆️(Cold morning (49F), high of 68F) 🌧️: 62.3%✅ ☁️: 56.3%✅ 📈: 1.34⬇️ 📉: 0.75⬆️ 📊: 1.04 ✅ Aug 31 (1.5L @ 21c) Mix 1: 12ml Silica, 20ml CaMg : 8L water = 1.0 EC / 5.6 pH • No runoff Mix 2: 12ml VEG A, 12ml VEG B, 4ml BLM A, 4ml BLM B, 7ml B52, 9ml Compost Tea : 7L water = 2.0 EC "KC1 In: 2.0 EC/5.7 pH (2.5L) Out: 2.3 EC/5.7 pH (22 c) (+0.3 EC) "KC2 In: 2.0 EC/5.7 pH (2L) Out: 2.5 EC/5.7 pH (22c) (+0.5 EC) "GS In: 2.0 EC/5.7 pH (2.5L) Out: 2.6 EC/5.6 pH (22c) (+0.6 EC) "ELB In: 2.0 EC/5.7 pH (3L) Out: 2.8 EC/ 5.6 pH (22c) (+0.8 EC) *MC In: 2.0 EC/5.7 pH (3L) Out: 2.6 EC/5.8 pH (21c) (+0.6 EC) *CG In: 2.0 EC/5.7 pH (1L) Out: 3.6 EC/ 5.6 pH (21 c) (+1.6 EC) 🌡️: 81.1F ✅ ❄️: 72.3 ✅ 🌧️: 60.8 ✅ ☁️: 56.1% ✅ 📈: 1.17 ✅ 📉: 0.92 ✅ 📊: 1.1 ✅ After watching @FrontRowAG_BrianG runoff video, I'm not AS worried as I'd usually be looking at these runoff values. There's no burnt leaf tips anywhere but some of the new leaves are twisting on KC2. 1st runoff showed a pH of 4.0 so it's likely low pH. I'm watering heavy tonight and letting the pots dry out over the weekend in preparation for flushing at the start of week 3. Done with LST now, letting these girls go from now on. Lots of headroom still and the stretch should be over in a week so looking good there. Hot week coming up so I'm not doing any defoliation until day 21. I'm going to need the humidity to balance out the hot environment. Sept 1 🌡️: 79.7F ✅ ❄️: 72%✅ 🌧️: 65.3 ⬇️ ☁️: 60.9%⬇️ 📈: 1.15 ✅ 📉: 0.75⬆️ 📊: 1.04✅ No watering. I actually meant to water but a homie stopped by and we got shit faced so I decided to stay away from the garden. Fungus gnats are still around so once I water again, and dry out, I'm dropping the DE bomb. I'll cover the top layer of perlite with diatomaceous earth and leave it there until I flush on Monday/Tuesday. Hoping it doesn't mess the pH up too badly. Pistils appeared today! Took 10 days to show pistils. This is going to be my official DAY ONE of bloom but I'll still track days from 12/12. Sept 2 PM (2L @ 21c) Mix: 14ml CaMg, 18ml A, 18ml B, 12ml Bloom A, 12ml Bloom B : 4 gallon water = 2.0 EC • 5.7 pH • Little to no runoff 🌡️: 79.7F ✅ ❄️: 71.8F ✅ 🌧️: 65.8%⬇️ ☁️: 55.4%✅ 📈: 1.04 ✅ 📉: 0.99 ✅ 📊: 1.02 ✅ Dry back is happening fairly quickly now. If I water at the start of lights on, by lights off they're pretty light. Will start doing two fertigations a day after the flush on Tuesday. Sept 3 No watering. I sprayed DE all over the tops of the containers to control these gnats. I'll leave it there until they start to come out of the substrate and kill themselves. Sept 4 (6-8L @ 21c) Mix: 15ml CaMg, 15ml PK Spike : 12L water = 1.2 EC (+2L) "KC1 In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH (8L) Out: 1.9 EC/5.8 pH (23c) (+EC) "ELB In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH (8L) Out: 1.8 EC/5.8 pH (22c) (+EC) *MC In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH (6L) Out: 1.8 EC/5.8 pH (24c) (+EC) *CG In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH (6L) Out: 1.7 EC/5.9 pH (22c) (+EC) Last day of week 2! Didn't get the whole list done this week but that's ok. My hygrometer decided not to log any values for the last two days so I don't have much info on the environment this weekend. It got hot and it was humid so I'm not worried. Got 4/6 flushed tonight. GS and KC2 were not completely dry so I'll do them in a day or two. EC runoffs between 1.7-1.9 and pH 5.8. The room is completely filled in and the budlets seem to get bigger by the hour. 7 weeks to go!
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1100 PPM
60 %
20 °C
22 °C
23 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
700 PPM
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A 2 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B 2 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1 mll
Flowering Week 3 (Sept 5-11) ---------------------------------------------- __________ Sept 5 (8L) Mix: 15ml CaMg, 15ml PK Spike : 12L water = 1.4 EC (+4L) "KC2 In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH Out: 1.7 EC/5.6 pH (22c) (+0.7 EC) "GS In: 1.0 EC/5.7 pH Out: 1.9 EC/5.6 pH (22c) (+0.9 EC) Good amount of stretch coming out of the ELB. I had to tie some of the branches down a bit and she's really filled in the back corner. Swapped a few others around to give as much room in between as I could. It's already a jungle in there though. Everything has been flushed and we're sitting between 1.7-1.9 EC. Next watering will be tomorrow for the 3 gallons and Thursday for the 5 gallons (all bloom nutes at 2.2 EC). I cleaned up all the bottoms yesterday...not sure why I didn't do that BEFORE bloom. Didn't show any signs of stress today, hope it's ok. _________________________ Sept 6 PM (2-4L @ 21c)🌡️ Mix: 15ml CaMg, 15ml PK Spike : 14L water = 1.0 EC • 3 gallon bags were bone dry • ELB was bone dry and drooping 🌡️: 83.5F ✅ ❄️: 71.1F ✅ 🌧️: 68.1% ⬇️ ☁️: 58.8% ✅ 📈: 1.18 ✅ 📉: 1.04 ✅ 📊: 1.0 ✅ It takes 36-48 hours for the 5 gallon bags to go from completely saturated to fully dry. The 3 gallon bags are basically dry after 24 hours. Depending on the amount of water, they can be ready for another fertigation before lights off. I was going to stop LST after week 2 but these things are flopping all over each other. I just lightly tied each branch up to the cage and that somewhat lowered their footprints. Leaves are barely touching one another or the walls (for now). ___________________________ Sept 7 PM 🌡️ (4-6L @ 20c) Mix: 18ml CaMg, 36ml FLR A, 36ml FLR B, 12ml B52, 15ml Compost tea : 14L water = 2.2 EC "KC1 In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.5 EC/5.5 pH (23c) (+0.3 EC) ✅ "KC2 In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.3 EC/5.5 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ "GS In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.4 EC/5.5 pH (22c) (+0.2 EC) ✅ "ELB In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.3 EC/5.4 pH (23c) (+0.1 EC) ✅ *MC In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.4 EC/5.5 pH (22c) (+0.2 EC) ✅ *CG In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.5 EC/5.6 pH (22c) (+0.3 EC) ✅ First runoff with full bloom feed and we're laughing. The pots were all bone dry from the PK flush at the start of the week and were chomping at the bit for a big drink. ELB took 4L with no runoff 😳. Will continue at 2.2 EC with little to no runoff for the remainder of the week. My WiFi hygrometer is really pissing me off. It's supposed to log values every hour but it decides when it's going work. Sometimes it doesn't log for days in a row. Sometimes it logs every few hours. Making it hard for me to track my VPD. I should be able to reference the values I was getting in late veg and apply that. I was in mid-late bloom VPD range a few weeks ago so I shouldn't be too hard to get back to that. _________ Sept 8 🌡️: 79.7F ✅ ❄️: 75.4F✅ 🌧️: 60.9%✅ ☁️: 57.2%✅ 📈: 1.28 🆗 📉: 0.99 ✅ 📊: 1.18 ✅ No watering. Heat wave is over and we're getting into cooler nights, which is great because I need to start lowering temperatures soon. _____________________ Sept 9 (2-4L @ 20c) Mix: 20ml Silica, 30ml CaMg, 24ml Sensizym, 24ml B52 : 5 gal water = 1.1 EC • 5.7 pH • Runoff on GS/MC • ELB bone dry 🌡️: 80.4F ✅ ❄️: 72.3F ✅ 🌧️: 65.6% ✅ ☁️: 57.2% ✅ 📈: 1.15 ✅ 📉: 0.9 ✅ 📊: 1.08 ✅ ____________________ Sept 10 (2L @ 20c) Mix: 20ml CaMg, 54ml A, 54ml B, 15ml Compost tea * Bit of runoff out of the 3 gallons
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1100 PPM
58 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
1000 PPM
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A 2 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B 2 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1 mll
FLOWERING WEEK 4 (Sept 12-18) ------------------------------------------------------ Sept 12 AM (1.25L H202 @ 5.8 pH) (FUNGUS GNATS) These assholes are still milling around so I've given the three problem plants an H202 treatment to try to curb the incubation of new gnats...They seem to be focused on the Kush Cakes and the Cherry so I'll be giving them both a zero for pest resistance (sorry Colin). No surprise they also have the smallest buds of all plants right now. The others have relatively zero activity, so they'll get high marks for being near, but not affected, by pests. Most have buds the size of the top of my thumb, so not bad otherwise. Sept 12 PM (2L @ 20c) Mix: 20ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 12ml B52, 24ml PB Tea : 12L = 2.4 EC (+1.5L) 5.8 pH Just a bit of runoff from a few of the plants I treated this morning. VPD is looking good. We're aiming for 80F/62% until week 6, when we start dropping both. Fan leaves have already grown back but I'm leaving them intact until the last few weeks. Tomorrow they get a dose of Silica and CaMg Sept 13 (1-2L @ 20c) Mix: 15ml Silica, 15ml CaMg, 15ml PK Spike : 12L water = 1.3 EC • pH 5.9 Getting a strong funk developing...5 weeks left I'm in trouble 😂 Sept 14 AM (1L @ 20c) Mix: Left from last night • No runoff Will skip watering tonight and do a heavy feed with runoffs tomorrow. Sept 15 PM (4-6L @ 19c) Mix: 18ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 12ml B52, 12ml PB Tea : 12L water = 2.2 EC "KC1 In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 3.9 EC/5.4 pH (21c) (+1.7 EC) "KC2 In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 3.7 EC/5.5 pH (21c) (+1.5 EC) "GS In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH (6L) Out: 3.8 EC/5.4 pH (20c) (+1.6 EC) "ELB In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 3.2 EC/5.3 pH (21c) (+1.0 EC) *MC In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 2.8 EC/5.5 pH (21+c) (+0.6 EC) *CG In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 3.2 EC/5.5 pH (c) (+1.0 EC) Some rather shocking runoff values this week...I'd be watering more frequently if it wasn't for the fungus gnats so idk. Looking forward to winter when all the bugs go back to hell where they came from. Scheduled flush at the end of next week so hopefully they hang on until then. There is some yellow leaf tips so should probably be careful in the next few weeks. Early runoff was around 4.4 EC for a few so it's actually crazy they aren't looking stressed. __________ Sept 16 • 2L each 3 gallon only (12ml CaMg : 4L water) 1.0 EC / 5.8 pH • No runoff ______________ Sept 17 (2-3L) Mix: 24ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 12ml B52, 15ml PB Tea : 12L = 2.4 EC / 6.0 pH (+2L) • Bit of runoff from MC/CG, none from others • Way less gnats in the KC'S 🌡️: 26.2c ✅ ❄️: 21.4c ⬆️ 🌧️: 63.6% ⬇️ ☁️: 55.3% ✅ 📈: 1.34 ✅ 📉: 1.17 ⬆️ 📊: 1.28 🆗 Keeping overnight temperatures up has been a challenge this week. We're aiming for 75F but getting 70-72F. Supposed to be another weird heat wave coming next week where temps could get as high as 90F so we'll see if that helps. We're seeing pretty decent flower growth so far with the smaller flowers starting to stack into the mains. Strong smells filling the room already. _______________ Sept 18 (2-4L) Mix: 15ml Silica, 24ml CaMg, 18ml PK 13/14 : 12L water = 1.7 EC 🌡️: 28.8c ⬇️ ❄️: 22.4c 🆗 🌧️: 60.4% ✅ ☁️: 51.7% ✅ 📈: 1.67 (84F/55%) - leaf temp correction (79F) = 1.36 ✅ 📉: 1.24 ✅ 📊: 1.17 ⬆️ • Too humid during lights off, adjust dehumidifier • Set dehumidifier to 50% at lights off • Set dehumidifier to 65% at lights on Some runoff out of the 3 gallons but not too much. Tied up a few main branches that were starting to tip over...never had to do that at week 4. I'm looking at week 5 with great anticipation. Usually that's when I start seeing noticeable flower growth. My arm brushed over the Mandarin Cookies x Grandpa's Cookies and it has a very strong earthy citrus scent...much like a citronella candle, but with overripe oranges. This is the end of week 4. Day 28 from 12/12, 18 days from the first pistils showing.
Week 12. Flowering
a year ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1100 PPM
58 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
1100 PPM
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A 2 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B 2 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1 mll
BLOOM WEEK 5 (Sept 19-25) ---------------------------------------------- Sept 19 AM (2L @ 19c) Mix: 15ml Silica, 24ml CaMg, 18ml PK 13/14 : 12L water = 1.7 EC 🌡️: 28c ⬇️ ❄️: 24c ✅ 🌧️: 54.4% 🆗⬆️ ☁️: 49% ✅ 📈: 1.67 ⬇️ 📉: 1.32 ✅ 📊: 1.48 ✅ • Runoff tested from ELB/CG : 4.7 / 4.0 EC out We've got 3 days until we let the pots dry out. Until then it's daily watering at 2.2 EC with the bloom nutrients at lights on. A few hours before lights off we'll water with Silica/CalMag at 1.5-1.7 EC. Pots are drying out faster and adding another watering event should help keep the EC lower. ____________________ Sept 20 (2L @ 20c) Mix: 36ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 24ml Sensizym: 4.5 gallons = 2.0 EC / 6.2 pH • No runoff except CG (4.0 EC) Lower fans have some rust spots...possibly nutrient burn (rust does not transfer to fingers when rubbed), but I'm worried it's a phosphorus or potassium lockout. Maybe it's Calcium toxicity...that can produce yellow/brown leaf tips AND lock out phosphorus. Will keep a close eye on this as it's probably the worst time you could lock out those nutrients. I've increased the pH of my feed to 6.1-6.2 for the time being. All the nutrient charts I look at show those elements being most available at a pH over 6.0 and my last runoffs had pH under 5.8. Room is running hot but leaf temps seem ok. Sitting around 82-84F room temp, leaf temp is 76-80F. I'm setting my humidity based on LEAF temp, not room temp. Plants are drinking a ton and require a small watering a few hours before lights off. This is a sign of high transpiration. ______________________ Sept 20 PM (1L @ 20c) Mix: Left from the morning (2.0 EC/6.1 pH) • No runoff • Hygrometer is fucking up big time 🌡️: OFFLINE ❄️: OFFLINE 🌧️: OFFLINE ☁️: OFFLINE 📈: OFFLINE 📉: OFFLINE 📊: OFFLINE ________________ Sept 21 (2-3L) Mix: 20ml Silica, 32ml CaMg, 24ml PK 13/14 : 4.5 gallons = 1.6 EC pH 5.8 pH 🌡️: 27.8c ⬇️ ❄️: 23.6c ✅ 🌧️: 61.7% ✅ ☁️: 54.1% ✅ 📈: 1.32 ✅ 📉: 1.29 ✅ 📊: 1.3 ✅ Small amount of runoff. They get a full watering tomorrow with base nutes + additives at 2.2 EC, then nothing until the start of week 6 when I flush. ___________________ Sept 22 (6L @ 20c) Mix: 24ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 24ml B52, 25ml Sensizym, 20ml PB Tea : 5 gal = 2.2 EC "KC1 In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: ERROR EC/5.1 pH (21c) (+?? EC) "KC2 In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 5.2 EC/5.3 pH (22c) (+3.0 EC) "GS In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 5.2 EC/4.8 pH (22c) (+3.0 EC) "ELB In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: ERROR EC/5.1 pH (22c) (+?? EC) *MC In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: 4.3 EC/5.3 pH (22c) (+2.1 EC) *CG In: 2.2 EC/5.8 pH Out: ERROR EC/5.2 pH (22c) (+?? EC) 🌡️: 27.2c ✅ ❄️: 22.5c ✅ 🌧️: 61.7% ✅ ☁️: 48.9% ✅ 📈: 1.52 ✅ 📉: 1.17 ✅ 📊: 1.24 ✅ Yeeeeahhhh...level of concern is pretty high right now. Half the plants runoffs errored out my EC reader. We're talking 9.9 EC. The other half are 3.0 EC over base. Runoff pH is way low too. Not sure how concerned I should be with that. Most of what I read says it doesn't matter. If it matters, my pH is way out of range. Only a few days until the flush but I'm wanting to dump all kinds of water on them NOW!! The containers are light at 7:30 AM after getting 6L of 2.2 EC each last night at midnight. __________ Sept 23 Water only "KC1 In: 0.3 EC/7.4 pH (8L) Out: 1.9 EC/5.7 in pH (23c) "KC2 In: 0.3 EC/7.4 pH (8L) Out: 1.9 EC/5.7 pH (22c) "GS In: 0.3 EC/7.4 pH (4L) Out: 2.4 EC/5.6 pH (22c) "ELB In: 0.3 EC/7.4 pH (8L) Out: 2.3 EC/5.6 pH (23c) *MC In: 0.3 EC/7.4 pH (2L) Out: 1.9 EC/5.5 pH (21+c) *CG In: 0.3 EC/7.4 pH (2L) Out: 2.1 EC/6.0 pH (23c) • EC reader was on low battery, false readings yesterday Pulled the trigger on a light, water only flush (1/2 the substrate). The 3 gallon pots didn't need much at all (MC/CG 2L). It probably didn't even need flushing but I'll sleep good tonight. pH is back in range as well. ________________ Sept 24 (1-2L) Mix: 12ml CaMg, 12ml A, 12ml B, 10ml B52, 5ml PB Tea : 7L water = 2.2 EC • No runoff • Tied up branches on MC/ELB/KC • Tied branches away from cage on GS • Didn't see ANY gnats 🌡️: 27.4c ✅ ❄️: 22c ✅ 🌧️: 60.5% ✅ ☁️: 54.6% ✅ 📈: 1.58 ✅ 📉: 1.22 ✅ 📊: 1.4 ✅ I've decided I'm not going to dry out the pots. Reason being is the amount of perlite I have in these containers are already allowing enough oxygen to the roots. The logic behind the dry back is to get more oxygen to the roots, and I'm not having that problem. Instead, I'll just water with less volume, for no runoff, at high strength until week 6 starts, then flush. Colas are getting heavy and I had to tie a bunch of branches to the cages. Really nice aromas developing and flowers are already caked with trichomes. _____________________ Sept 25 (2L @ 20c) Mix: 18ml CaMg, 36ml A, 36ml B, 12ml B52, 12ml PB Tea : 12L water = 2.2 EC 🌡️: 27c ✅ ❄️: 22.3c ✅ 🌧️: 59.9% ✅ ☁️: 52.4% ✅ 📈: 1.32 ✅ 📉: 1.19 ✅ 📊: 1.28 ✅ ***END OF WEEK 5***
Week 13. Flowering
a year ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1200 PPM
55 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 8
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A 3 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B 3 mll
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1 mll
BLOOM WEEK 6 (Sept 26-Oct 2) --------------------------------------------------- We start the week by flushing all plants with CaMg/PK 14/15 @ 1.0 EC. We'll let them dry back until they're starving for food and hit them with high strength bloom feed for the remainder of the week. _________________ Sept 26 (FLUSH) Mix: 5ml CaMg/gal, 5ml PK 14/15/gal : 5 gal water = 1.4 EC (+4L) "KC1 In: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (10L) Out: 1.7 EC/5.8 pH (23c) "KC2 In: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (10L) Out: 1.7 EC/5.8 pH (23c) "GS In: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (10L) Out: 2.1 EC/5.5 pH (22c) "ELB In: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (12L) Out: 1.7 EC/5.8 pH (23c) *MC In: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (8L) Out: 2.1 EC/5.8 pH (22c) *CG In: 1.0 EC/6.0 pH (10L) Out: 1.9 EC/5.8 pH (23c) 🌡️: 26.5c ✅ ❄️: 21c ✅ 🌧️: 59.3% ✅ ☁️: 49.9% ✅ 📈: 1.78 ⬇️ (brief temperature spike w/ low humidity) 📉: 1.01 ⬆️ (dehumidifier bucket full and was off for an hour 📊: 1.44 kPa ✅ Phew! Alright, flush is DONE! Hand watering fuckin sucks 🤣. Probably didn't need to put as much water through as I did, but now they're full of the goods and there's very little nitrogen in the mix. Runoffs are between 1.7-2.1 EC and 5.5-5.8 pH. Ranges are good. VPD is good. Noticed most of the plants have ripening pistils already (Day 36). They're all early finishers (under 60 days) so we'll see what happens this week. I'll likely let them go 9 weeks anyway because I don't mind if they go a bit narco. Once these dry out, they'll get 2.4 EC for the remainder of the week. ____________ Sept 27 🌡️: 28.5c ❌⬇️ ❄️: 21c ✅ 🌧️: 59.3% ✅ ☁️: 47.4% ⬆️ 📈: 1.85 ❌⬇️ 📉: 1.21 ✅ 📊: 1.44 kPa ✅ • No water (PM) I thought it would take days for these pots to dry but after 24 hours, the 3 gallons are light and the 5 gallons are like 75% dry. The ELB is actually pretty light too. I'll skip watering tonight but probably have to hit the 3 gallons in the morning. PAR is reading between 885 in the corners and 1300 directly under the lamp. Average of 1068 at the canopy around the lamps. ______________ Sept 28 AM • Watered 3 gallons (1L) and ELB (1.5L) • Turned off intake at lights OFF • Switched exhaust from AUTO to ON (Speed 8) • Dehumidifier to 50% • Turned AC on at 20c between 845-945 AM Humidity was in low 50's / high 40's last night (because of the dry pots) causing VPD to rise out of ideal range (1.85). I'll give them all a big feeding tonight. _________________________ Sept 28 PM (2-4L @ 20c) Mix: 1.5ml/L CaMg, 3ml/L A, 3ml/L B, 1ml/L B52, 2ml/L Overdrive = 2.6 EC (+2L) • 2.4 EC/6.1 pH 🌡️: 27.5c ✅ ❄️: 21.8c 🆗 🌧️: 56.9% 🆗 ☁️: 51.7% ✅ 📈: 1.68 🆗⬇️ 📉: 1.12 🆗 (lights off, doesn't really matter) 📊: 1.55 kPa ✅ • Only a small amount of runoff Soon as I say the VPD is in range, it goes out of range. Heat wave coming for some reason...Highs of 27-29c next week. I'm trying to decrease the lights off temperature (and temperatures overall) but it hasn't been working, and this weather is absolutely disrespectful. I'll be running the house AC (IN FKN OCTOBER!!!) so maybe that helps out. This is really the last week to bulk up the flowers so the environment is super important. Humidity below 55% is goal right now, that's been relatively easy to hit during lights on and the majority of the dark period. __________________ Sept 29 AM (1L) • 3 gallon bags only (2.4 EC/6.1 pH) There's ripening pistils all over the place. The only ones that don't really have any are the Cherry and the Grandpa's Stash. At day 40 they may even be ready at the breeder time frame of 56-60 days. That's sort of a problem because my feed schedule is built for 9 weeks of flowering. Loose plan is to feed at 2.4 EC for the rest of the week, drop the EC to 1.8 for week 7 and flush week 8. I don't think I'll need more than a 7 day flush after giving them two pretty substantial drenchings recently. ___________________ Sept 29 PM (2L) Mix: 1.5ml/L CaMg, 3ml/L A, 3ml/L B, 1ml/L B52, 2ml/L Overdrive • 2.4 EC / 6.1 pH • No runoff 🌡️: 27.2c ✅ ❄️: 21.2c ✅ 🌧️: 57.2% ✅ ☁️: 51.7% ✅ 📈: 1.77 ⬇️ 📉: 1.12 ✅ 📊: 1.38 kPa ✅ The big temperature spikes are coming from adjusting (or forgetting to adjust) the hygrometer for leaf temps so the VPD of 1.77 is inflated. I'm taking 4 degrees off the room temp sensor at lights on, and then adding it back at lights off. SUPREME pain in the ass. ___________ Sept 30 🌡️: 28c ⬇️ ❄️: 21.7c ✅ 🌧️: 57.2% ✅ ☁️: 51.7% ✅ 📈: 1.79 ⬇️ 📉: 1.23 ✅ 📊: 1.51 kPa ✅ Hosted a party last night and didn't get into the room. Those pots will be bone dry and ready to chug. _______________ Oct 1 (3-4L) Mix: 48ml A, 48ml B, 36ml Overdrive, 24ml B52, 22ml PB Tea: 5 gallons water = 2.4 EC / 6.2 pH 🌡️: 27.5c ⬇️ ❄️: 20.3c ✅ 🌧️: 58.4%✅ ☁️: 44.5%✅ 📈: 2.02❌⬇️ 📉: 1.15🆗 📊: 1.56 kPa ✅ • Small amount of runoff on some Flowers are still stacking nicely and I'm hoping they really start growing into each other making those nice long colas we all want. The trichomes are coming in thick with the slightly lower night temps. _____________ Oct 2 (2-3L) Mix: 20ml Silica, 24ml CaMg, 16 ml PK 14/15 : 4 gal water = 1.5 EC 🌡️: 26.5c ✅ ❄️: 20.2c ✅ 🌧️: 59.9% ⬇️ ☁️: 47.7% ✅ 📈: 1.83 ⬇️ 📉: 1.05 🆗 📊: 1.33 kPa ✅ Last day of week 6! A lot of ripening pistils and loads of frost. I have a feeling they'll be ready by day 60 so next week I'll drop the EC down to 1.5. I haven't grown a ton of cookie strains, but from my limited experience with them, I've noticed their feeding drops off significantly after week 6. When I would use high frequency fertigation, I could tell by the difference in runoff EC from week 6 to 7. Week 6 I would see runoff lower than my input and in week 7 (with the same strength) would be a LOT higher than the input. If these were 9 week strains, I would probably continue at this EC but these are going to be as advertised (EARLY GIRLS). The Cherry G-S-Y will be the last to finish. She looks like she's in mid-stacking phase and there's only white pistils everywhere. Next week temperature and humidity need to come down. I'm aiming for 25c / 45-55% day and 20c / <50% night. The first problem is the heat wave here doesn't end until Saturday night so I'm going to have to run the house A/C to keep things cooler. I'm also getting drastically different humidity readings from my hygrometer vs. the dehumidifier so I can't really even say if my VPD numbers are accurate. To top it off, the dehumidifier dropped off the network somehow and I can't access it remotely anymore. Still haven't done any real defoliating yet. I cleaned the bottoms up (maybe 1/4 of the way up the plants) at the start of bloom and haven't touched them since. I may take some larger interior fan leaves off just for better airflow and to lower humidity, but only if I have to.
Week 14. Flowering
a year ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
750 PPM
50 %
19 °C
21 °C
20 °C
19 L
4 L
45.72 cm
1300 PPM
Nutrients 7
Overdrive - Advanced Nutrients
Overdrive 2 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A 3 mll
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom B 3 mll
BLOOM WEEK 7 (Oct 3-9) ---------------------------------------- TARGETS: • 23-25c / 50-55% Day • 19-21c / <55% Night • 1.2-1.6 kPa • 1.5-1.8 EC / 6.0-6.2 pH ________________ Oct 3 (1.5-2.5L) Mix: 20ml CaMg, 36ml Overdrive, 20ml PK 14/15 : 5 gallons water = 1.5 EC / 6.1 pH 🌡️: 25.9c 🆗 (Brief spike at 3AM and 7 AM) ❄️: 19.6c ✅ 🌧️: 60.1% ⬇️ ☁️: 49.6% ✅ 📈: 1.67 🆗 📉: 0.86 🆗 (night low) 📊: 1.35 kPa ✅ Feeding will be a bit different this week because the Cherry G-S-Y has a 9 week flowering time. That means I have to keep the full strength bloom for this week, then lower nutes for week 8 and flush week 9. The rest are advertised as 53-60 days with early flower onset and fast ripening. These will all get the lowered EC of 1.5-1.8 this week and flush next week. The Kush Cakes, Mandarin Cookies and Early Lemon Berry all have signs of being ready on time. _____________ Oct 4 (2L) Mix: 20ml CaMg, 36ml Overdrive, 20ml PK 14/15 : 5 gallons water = 1.5 EC • No runoff 🌡️: 25.8c ✅ ❄️: 21.3c ✅ 🌧️: 57.1% 🆗⬇️ ☁️: 48.7% ✅ 📈: 1.6 ✅ 📉: 1.22 ✅ 📊: 1.41 kPa ✅ All the containers are so light when the lamps come on. Especially the 3 gallon bags. I should've probably been watering twice a day more often but gnats...they're proving to be more annoying than anything. In the future I'll be applying H202 treatments as a preventative measure, not reactionary. __________________________ Oct 5 (2-4L) (Rain at night) Mix: 20ml CaMg, 48ml A, 48ml B, 36ml Overdrive: 6.5 gal water = 2.2 EC / 6.1 pH 6L at 2.2 EC out for CG/GS Diluted to 1.7 EC for MC/ELB/KC • Bit of runoff 🌡️: 25.2c ✅ ❄️: 21.1c ✅ 🌧️: 58.1% ✅ ☁️: 48% ✅ 📈: 1.62 ✅ 📉: 1.24 ✅ 📊: 1.40 kPa ✅ After double checking the flowering times, they're all relatively similar. 56-63 days. HOWEVER ..the Mandarin Cookies has amber trichomes at day 46. Unreal. That's usually my cue to start flushing but I wasn't expecting to start flushing until next week. Still seeing increases in flower size and that should continue as the calyx swell. Some of the tops need more support. The decrease in day/night temperatures is keeping the smell down and I think we'll start to see some colour develop after a week or so. Temperatures outside are supposed to plummet so that will help pull out some of the expressions. _______________ Oct 6 (2L) Mix: 20ml Silica, 24ml CaMg, 20ml PK 14/15: 5 gal water = 1.3 EC / 6.1 pH 🌡️: 26.2c 🆗 (Brief spike) ❄️: 21.1c ✅⬇️ 🌧️: 52.8% ✅ ☁️: 47.4% ✅ 📈: 1.66 ✅ 📉: 1.28 ✅ 📊: 1.46 kPa ✅ _______________ Oct 7 (2-4L) Mix: 36ml A, 36ml B, 24ml Overdrive: 4 gallons water = 1.6 EC /6.3 pH • pH reader won't calibrate, ph of nutes auto corrects to 6.3 pH 🌡️: 26.5c ✅ ❄️: 19.5c ✅ 🌧️: 49.9%✅ ☁️: 46.9%✅ 📈: 1.82 ⬇️ 📉: 1.12 ⬆️ 📊: 1.41 kPa✅ WORST possible timing for my pH reader to take a shit. Buffers read 1.2 over what they should be. Grow shop is closed today and tomorrow so I'm pretty much fucked until Tuesday. It's less than a year old so I'm hoping they can replace it. If they don't fix the issue I'll have to try adjusting my feeds to 7.0-7.2 (which should be 6-6.2. Just hilarious how something happens to me at the end of every grow. All I can do is continue using the pH perfect AN nutrients because they correct the pH automatically to 6.3 (from experience). Throws a big wrench in my other grow because I need to buffer coco for transplanting very soon. _______________ Oct 8 (2-4L) • 4L @ 2.2 EC /6.2 ph (CG/GS) • 2-4L @ 1.3 EC/6.1 pH (rest) • Borrowed a pH meter and calibrated 🌡️: 24.6c ✅ ❄️: 18.8c ✅ 🌧️: 51.4% ✅ ☁️: 47.1% ✅ 📈: 1.62 ✅ 📉: 1.08 🆗 📊: 1.31 kPa ✅ ____________ Oct 9 • 4L @ 2.2 EC /6.2 ph (CG/GS) • 2-4L @ 1.3 EC/6.1 pH (rest) 🌡️: 24c ✅ ❄️: 18c ✅ 🌧️: 50.6% ✅ ☁️: 44.5% ✅ 📈: 1.66 ✅ 📉: 1.05 🆗 📊: 1.37 kPa ✅ Last day of week 7! Still swelling and looking oh so good. Will drop the EC for CG/GS/ELB to 1.5 for next week and begin flushing the KC/MC. Did a light defoliation of the middles to keep the airflow moving and tied up some of the heavier branches. I took an hour off the light cycle so we're now at 11/13. End of next week I'll switch to MH bulbs and drop another hour to finish. Slacking on the pictures but if I don't get in there right at lights on, the pics look like trash. Once I switch the bulbs out to MH I'll be an absolute shutterbug.
Week 15. Flowering
a year ago
81.28 cm
11 hrs
24 °C
750 PPM
50 %
18 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
4 L
50.8 cm
1400 PPM
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
BLOOM WEEK 8 (Oct 10-16) --------------------------------------------- TARGETS: • 22-25c / 40-45% (Day) • 18-20c / 45-50% (Night) • 1.2-1.6 VPD • FLUSH KC/MC • 1.3-1.5 EC CG/GS/ELB • TAKE ONE HR OFF LIGHTS ON (11/13)✅ Lots to do this week. Will start flushing the Kush Cakes and Mandarin Cookies this week and continue until the others are done. The Cherry is definitely going 9 weeks and likely Grandpa's Stash as well. Getting some colour on a few plants, can't wait for that fade. _________________ Oct 10 AM (1L) • Remainder of yesterday's fertilizer used up • 1.3 EC / 6.1 pH PM (2-4L) Mix 1: 25ml Silica, 25ml PK 14/15, 20ml PB Tea : 5 gal water = 1.3 EC / 6.0 pH Mix 2: 36ml Flawless Finish : 5 gal water = 0.5 EC / 6.1 pH 🌡️: 24c ✅ ❄️: 18.5c ✅ 🌧️: 49.9% ✅ ☁️: 45.1% ✅ 📈: 1.7 ⬇️ 📉: 1.12🆗 📊: 1.37 kPa✅ _____________ Oct 11 (2-4L) • 2L @ 0.5 EC - KCs/MC • 4L @ 1.3 EC - ELB/CG/GS 🌡️: 24c ✅ ❄️: 18.7c ✅ 🌧️: 49.6% ✅ ☁️: 44.9% ✅ 📈: 1.64 🆗 📉: 1.02 🆗 📊: 1.34 kPa ✅ ________________ Oct 12 • 4L @ 0.5 EC - KCs/MC • 2-3L @ 1.3 EC - ELB/CG/GS 🌡️: 23.5c ✅ ❄️: 18c ✅ 🌧️: 49.5%✅ ☁️: 42.9% ✅ 📈: 1.7 ⬇️ 📉: 1.05 🆗 📊: 1.36 kPa ✅ So I haven't been dumping a ton of water in the flush yet...since I'm going for two weeks, I figure just get a little more runoff than usual for the week. Will start increasing the volume next week. The Mandarin Cookies is super ready to harvest. Good amount of amber on her. I'd say she was done around day 50. Debating on chopping her but there's nowhere to dry her. Keeping a close eye out for bananas because she's gonna be chopped around day 63 if everything else works out. Kush Cakes are very close to being done. Really frosty with a nice light green and bright orange hairs. The smell is all cookies. Very terpy. Early Lemon Berry is a little ahead of the Cherry G-S-Y and Grandpa's Stash. If I had a room full of them, they'd be chopped at day 56, no problem. The lowers aren't as ripe so we're letting em go a full 9 weeks. The citrus candy terps off this one are insane. Greasy, waxy flowers look very dense and tops are bending under the weight. Grandpa's Stash is a beast. I took out the stakes and untied everything because the branching is so strong they don't need the support. Arm length colas stacked all the way. Starting to see some ripening pistils but there's still patches of white hairs all over the place. She's going 9 weeks for sure. Cherry G-S-Y is the smallest plant in the room. Very compact and not overly leafy. The branching needs support with the mains all leaning outwards, giving the lowers good light penetration. This one's looking like it will finish last, not a lot of ripe pistils yet. Might still be swelling so I've kept the feed schedule going. Heavy flushing next week. _________ Oct 13 • 2L @ 0.5 EC - KCs/MC • 2L @ 1.3 EC - ELB/CG/GS 🌡️: 24.1c ✅ ❄️: 19.8c ✅ 🌧️: 50.3% ✅ ☁️: 43% ✅ 📈: 1.71 ⬇️ 📉: 1.15 🆗 📊: 1.41 kPa ✅ __________ Oct 14 • 2L @ 0.5 EC / 6.2 pH 🌡️: 26.4c ❌⬇️ ❄️: 18.9c ✅ 🌧️: 52.9% 🆗 ☁️: 44.2% ✅ 📈: 1.92 ❌⬇️⬇️ 📉: 1.03 🆗 📊: 1.38 kPa ✅ __________ Oct 15 • 4-6L @ 0.5 EC / 6.2 pH 🌡️: 26.6c ❌⬇️ ❄️: 19.8c ✅ 🌧️: 50.8% ✅ ☁️: 43% ✅ 📈: 1.98 ❌⬇️⬇️⬇️ 📉: 1.15 ✅ 📊: 1.39 kPa ✅ The issues with high temperatures are all my fault. These spikes got the VPD out of range for most of both days. One of the days I forgot to turn the dehumidifier back up to 50% during lights on causing a few hours of +25c. The second day I forgot to open the basement window during lights on. Need to get it together and finish strong. I woke up to see a biiiig branch on the GS had snapped and fallen over. Brutal timing to stress her out because she needs the full 9 weeks, maybe more. I tied it up, need more plant ties. The flushing is clearly adding moisture weight to the colas and they're leaning a bit too aggressively. _____________ Oct 16 (4-6L) Flawless Finish 2ml /L @ pH 6.0 🌡️: 24.3c ✅ ❄️: 18.7c ✅ 🌧️: 48.4% ✅ ☁️: 42.1% ✅ 📈: 1.61 ✅ 📉: 1.17 ✅ 📊: 1.32 kPa ✅ All pots are super light today so we're doing it all over again tonight. Super happy with things overall...Kush Cakes and Grandpa's Stash are swelling big time. Thought the KCs were a bit of a dud but they're packing it on late. The Cherry apparently does the same thing but I'm still waiting to see it. The big fan leaves are changing all sorts of colours and some of the flowers are picking up some purple and blue hues. The smells are so good I don't want to leave the room most nights. Can't wait to see what they reveal after drying and curing.
1 comment
Week 16. Flowering
a year ago
81.28 cm
10 hrs
24 °C
250 PPM
45 %
18 °C
20 °C
19 °C
19 L
4 L
60.96 cm
1400 PPM
Nutrients 1
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
BLOOM WEEK 9 (Oct 17-23) --------------------------------------------- TARGETS: • 20-22c / 45% (Day) ❌ • 16-18c / 35-45% (Night) ❌ • SWITCH BULBS TO MH, LOWER TO 60%✅ • TAKE ONE HR OFF LIGHTS ON (10/14) ✅ • FLUSH ALL (USE UP FLAWLESS FINISH)✅ Home stretch!! Easy week, just dumping as much water as I can into these things and tying up heavy branches. I'm clipping most of the large fan leaves this week to drop the humidity a little more and increase the airflow. Probably going to have to leave the Cherry and possibly the Grandpa's Stash for a few extra days. They still looking like they're swelling and ripening. Hope they don't take like 70 days or my house is going to smell for weeks. I could take down the KCs, ELB and MC any day, as they're all ready to go. ______________ Oct 17 (4-6L) • Changed timer to 10/14 🌡️: 24c ✅ ❄️: 19.5c 🆗⬇️ 🌧️: 48.8% ✅ ☁️: 38.8% ✅ 📈: 1.78 ⬇️ 📉: 1.25 ✅ 📊: 1.51 kPa✅ Swapping out the HPS for MH bulbs after lights off. Not sure if this does anything but I read that plants respond to the blue spectrum more when they're ripening. May increase trichomes production too but I doubt I'd be able to tell. Flowers are caked up. At the very least I'll have some better harvest pictures 😆. Took another hour off the light schedule so we're down to 10/14 now. Dropped the intensity to 60% as well. This helps keep the temperatures down and lets the plants know it's time to wrap it up. ___________ Oct 18 (4L) Mix: 40ml Flawless Finish : 5 gallons water = 0.5 EC / 6.2 ph • Changed bulbs to MH • Moved plants around (last ones ready at the back) 🌡️: 23.5c ✅ ❄️: 19.6c ✅ 🌧️: 48.4% ✅ ☁️: 44.7% ✅ 📈: 1.32 ✅ 📉: 1.19 ✅ 📊: 1.24 kPa ✅ _______________ Oct 19 • No water 🌡️: 23.9c ✅ ❄️: 18.3c ✅ 🌧️: 48.4% ✅ ☁️: 44.5% ✅ 📈: 1.65 🆗 📉: 1.08 ✅ 📊: 1.24 kPa ✅ Bags still had a bit of weight so I left them alone. They won't be drinking as much with the lower temperatures and shorter days. Just clipping the biggest fan leaves for now and will leave the rest. The sights and smells are captivating. Trichome production is insane with a lot of the flowers looking like someone dumped a bag of sugar on them. This has to be the best run I've had and I actually can't wait to trim for once. HUGE SHOUT-OUT to @FrontRowAG_BrianG for the tips and advice along the way. You probably saved my grow brother. Big thanks. _______________ Oct 20 (4L) • Water only, no pH adjustment _______________ Oct 21 (10L) • Water only, no pH adjustment Basically just waiting on GS and CG to ripen more. Runoff EC is 0.4-0.5 (tap water is 0.3) so it's probably fine to chop. I may end up giving them one last drench on Monday night and let them dry out all the way before cutting them down. What's a few more days after 17 weeks __________ Oct 22 • No water __________ Oct 23 • No water __________ Oct 24 CHOPPED HAD my drying conditions dialed in at 60F/60%...Buuuuut we're getting a week of 75F. In fucking OCTOBER. It's 66F at 10pm. So tired of getting my environment flattened by ridiculous weather at the worst possible times. Fuck man. Running AC in October 🤣 Getting them hung up was a challenge. Won't be using those tomato cages anymore. They're great to grow with but awkward to remove and I ended up doing some damage to few plants. Everything is super gluey. Will try to pop back in now and then but this is it for the next two weeks or so.
Used techniques
Week 16. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Aromas of grapefruit, berries and gas from trichome coated, dense flowers. The flavor is citrus forward with fuel on the back end. Not too much in terms of berry terps, more on the nose. Some of the most breathtaking flower I've grown, tremendous bag appeal. Pretty good yielding plant that grows relatively easily. My tolerance is high so I'd smoke just about anything at any time but I would call it night time smoke. It's VERY stoney. Definitely feel it behind the eyes. You get a trace of a resin ring near the heater when you burn it. Nice clean ash and smooth smoke. It's a solid choice for growers looking for a fast finishing (50-56 days) strain that packs a punch.
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Spent 118 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
500 g
Bud wet weight per plant
169 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Giggly, Relaxed, Talkative
Positive effects
Medical effects
Depression, Stress
Medical effects
Berries, Citrus, Diesel

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
After a slow start, she grew relatively hassle free throughout the vegetation period. There were some fungus gnats during flowering but they seemed to avoid the ELB for the most part, so high marks for that. She responded well to topping and LST and didn't mind the various environmental fluctuations. There were a few bananas beginning to appear a few days before I chopped her but I would attribute that to leaving her a bit longer than I should've. They were absolutely ready for harvest at 56 days and I let her go 63. I hang dried the whole plant for 14 days at 60-65F and 58-65% humidity before trimming. Very few fan leaves on the calyx and bract heavy buds made trimming so easy. The trimmed flower was put into 1/4 lb Grove bags for a week before sampling. All wet weighs are guesses, I don't bother.
Week 16. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Super compact plant with very tight internodal spacing. Grew very similar to Ethos Banana Daddy. Not much stretch out of her and that negatively affected the yield. She did produce some nice purple hues and delicious terpene profile on her dense, chunky flowers. Dessert smoke for me.
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Spent 118 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
200 g
Bud wet weight per plant
75.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Berries, Cream, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Cherry Gar-See-Ya was the runt of litter the whole grow. Never really stretched into the robust bush she was advertised to be. The yield was what I would classify as "unacceptable". She did take the brunt of the fungus gnats so maybe that had something to do with it. The tight node spacing created a super compact plant that carried the small amount of chunky dense flowers with ease. I barely staked her throughout the full 63 day bloom period. The flowers were pretty leafy compared to the photo they use on the website, so that was also disappointing. Likely had a weak pheno, but I doubt I would go back to her.
Week 16. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Easy growing plant suitable for any grower. She can take high levels of fertilizer and needs little support due to the strong lateral branching. Topping and LST is recommended to make this plant grow wide and bushy. Good yield and quality flower produced by some old school genetics.
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Spent 118 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
350 g
Bud wet weight per plant
135 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Talkative
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Pine, Sweet, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
The name almost describes the smoke to the letter. If you're thinking old school pine and skunk aromas and flavors, you nailed it. It definitely brings me back decades. The sweet pine aroma is undeniable. Even a non smoker will be able to pinpoint the smell. The flowers were large, spongy and covered in frost. Fantastic bag appeal. The smoke isn't as strong as it looks though, which is in line with the weed from 25 years ago. It's going to be a hit when you're kicking it with the cool uncle in your family. He'd appreciate it.
1 comment
Week 16. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This Mandarin Cookies is hands down the most dense flower I've grown. STONES. A small bud breaks out into a shocking amount. Can't use my grinder because of the density and resin. I've been using scissors and have had to scrape the hash off the blades after a few snips or it won't cut. The high is relaxing but sedating. I could've harvested at 50 days but I let her go 63 days with the rest of the gang. The aromas are a bit weird though. You definitely get a bit of orange on the nose, but there's also a strange, almost meat-like smell to it. It isn't horrible, but it isn't my favorite either. Once you chop it up the meat smell goes away in favor of a citronella funk, which is actually pretty nice. I can't really put a finger on the tastes. There is some orange to it but more of an aftertaste. I'll select 3 off their list that are kinda close to what I taste. It's different. If I was re-rating it I would give it 8/10 only because I like the 9's I've rated better than this one. Splitting hairs at this point.
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Spent 118 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
275 g
Bud wet weight per plant
134 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Earthy, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Mandarin Cookies grew up to a medium size with a lot of secondary branching. I would probably prune a bunch of the smaller interiors off earlier in bloom if I ran it again. Very few leaves so I didn't defoliate at all until week 9 bloom. Decent yield for one of the smaller plants too, grown in a 3 gallon container. Could see this strain crushing in a sea of green setup.
Week 16. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The clear winner of the 5 ETHOS strains grown here. Although she was problematic throughout the veg period, she redeemed herself in the end. Dense and frosty flowers oozing terps. Gives off a creamy, gassy, peanut butter aroma. BIG nutty cake terps with a lemon finish. It's pretty strong smoke but its smooth on the inhale. Take too much and your lungs will let you know to cool it. I generally get halfway through a joint before I'm finding myself putting her out for later. ETHOS does it again. Another boutique quality strain that will not disappoint. Friends have almost unanimously chosen this as the strongest, with Early Lemon Berry a close second.
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Spent 118 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
312.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
132.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Citrus, Cream, Nutty

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
She was a pain in the ass throughout and made it all worthwhile in the end. The plant structure is great, medium-tall with a ton of branching. Very homogeneous flower sizes. Trichome production was unreal. One of the frostiest flowers I've ever grown, if not the most. 100% would grow this again. I've found 2 seeds after going through a few ounces, so I WILL grow this again.


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Ezzjaybruhcommentedweek 02 years ago
Sweet line up. I’m in for the long run
Loudercommented2 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Thanks homie! Hoping to get a few keepers out of these cuts 🤞
Wishar_Gardencommentedweek 02 years ago
Love the genetics you are growing, looking forward to see how they grow Good luck with the germination ser 🙏🙌
Ezzjaybruhcommentedweek 42 years ago
Hate to say it but maybe the one cupping contracted a virus when cut for the clone/rooting.. hard to know for sure without testing tho
Loudercommented2 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Always appreciate the input dude. Looking closer into my humidity might be low for the day temps too. And I've been lowering it on purpose lol FK me
Ezzjaybruhcommented2 years ago
@@Louder, could very well be.. you’re experienced and know different plants do different stuff. Just wanted to comment that, in case you hadn’t thought of it! Love ethos tho, excited to see how they turn out
Loudercommented2 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, it's pretty strange for sure. I had some cupping after topping during my last run, but that was just the two main fans, not new growth. These cuts DID come from a friend but I took every measure to make sure they were clean. The mothers looked super healthy too. Looking at my daily watering schedule for the last few weeks (in notes), I was dumping a lot into them and the PPM wasn't very high either. My gut is telling me it's overwatering combined with pH spikes and underfertilizing. For now I'm just backing off the watering, increasing the PPM and monitoring the runoff to see where the pH is going.
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XII_XII_MrGreencommentedweek 32 years ago
Beautiful garden growmie👨‍🌾😃🌲💚
Loudercommented2 years ago
@XII_XII_MrGreen, I'm pretty sure that's part of it. I already raised the lamps to about 40" from the canopy and that's giving me a really dumb, low DLI. I lowered the humidity (50-60%), raised night time temperatures to 22-23 from 20-21c...I turned down the fans ...stopped watering for a few days. It could honestly be a number of things. I've been overwatering...possibly underfertilizing...idk man lol
XII_XII_MrGreencommented2 years ago
@@Louder, that means the light is to bright for this lady.. I got one in my tent now too (sapphire), if more plants in the tent would show those signs I would turn it down.. since it's only 1 I say fk it 😜
Loudercommented2 years ago
@XII_XII_MrGreen, thanks, working at it my dude. Trying to sort out this leaf cupping.
XII_XII_EarlyRavercommentedweek 92 years ago
Wauw bro this is legit shit haha wauw you're a sirious grower my friend 💪🏻👌🏻🔥 so now I look like a amature lol hahahah really lovely grow sir 👌🏻👌🏻 I'm following this for sure bro keep up the good work 👌🏻💪🏻
Loudercommented2 years ago
@XII_XII_EarlyRaver, Thanks homie! Big effort on this run. MAXIMUM effort. Your grows look far from amateur my dude, been watching em for a minute 👍
Crashoveritecommentedweek 92 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate ✌️
Loudercommented2 years ago
Wishar_Gardencommentedweek 72 years ago
Nice Line-up, good luck with the rest of the grow ser 🙏🙌
Loudercommented2 years ago
@Wishar_Garden, big thanks 🍻
WhiteEdgecommentedweek 32 years ago
Happy growing this Ethos cultivar, hope for great harvest!
Loudercommented2 years ago
@WhiteEdge, cheers fella! 🍻
Green_Man_420commentedweek 16a year ago
Wow what a diary! Great job mate. Just took me half hour to read and I must say the work and effort you have put into this is amazing. Great looking plants 🌱 ✌️👊🏻😍
Green_Man_420commenteda year ago
@@Louder, I’m on the hunt bro. Thanks for the advise 👊🏻✌️ keep smashing it brother
Loudercommenteda year ago
@Green_Man_420, Thanks dude, I was determined to smash this run after having a brutal yield last winter. This one still wasn't perfect but I'm pretty chuffed about it. Can't complain. Ethos is blowing up right now. One of the top breeders imo. Haven't been disappointed with any of their gear. There's seed banks in North America that will ship worldwide. Brotanical Gardens might be worth a shot. I've personally never used them so I can't speak on the reliability but I've never had an issue with any seed bank I've ordered from. Happy hunting!
Green_Man_420commenteda year ago
@@Louder, honestly mate it’s a cracking diary! A lot of time and effort has gone into it. Great job ✌️ I really wanna try Ethos but not sure where to get them in the U.K.
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FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 72 years ago
Hey how much space do you have to work? What are your room dimensions? It looks custom!
Loudercommented2 years ago
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommented2 years ago
@@Louder, hell yeah bro you got some space to make shit happen 😎
Loudercommented2 years ago
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Yeah! I built this area off a spare bedroom in my basement. It's all built around the 8" exhaust that runs straight through a concealed chase I made through the master bedroom closet and vented through the roof. I framed out the walls for 3 1/2" batts, insulated with R22 safe and sound and boarded it with mold resistant drywall. Ceiling is strapped out to hide some of the cables and the hygrometer probe (kinda wish I just kept the height). I installed insulated drycore squares for the floor and put flat white primer on everything. All the corners are caulked with silicone and that bitch is air tight. The poly zipper door in front of the access door pulls right in when the extractor kicks on and puffs out when the intake goes on. It measures 4' 6" W x 9' 6" L (+ door swing) x 6' 6" H. Not much headroom in there
WhiteEdgecommentedweek 13a year ago
Wow this ETHOS clones are insanely frosty. Great work on this man!
WhiteEdgecommenteda year ago
@@Louder, No daubt in that!
Loudercommenteda year ago
@WhiteEdge, thanks brotha! Been very happy with this run so far. They should really cake up in the next week or so with the lower room temps🤞
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 16a year ago
The lemon berry and cherry Garcia turned out amazing bro. Unbelievable results with little signs of stress. I’m doing a full Sundea Driver run next and I hope the buds turn out this good
Loudercommenteda year ago
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Thank you brotha! Can't wait to see your room full of SD!
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 16a year ago
Been a minute since I’ve jumped on GD. These turned out amazing my friend!!!
Loudercommenteda year ago
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Thank you brotha. Your tips definitely saved the day. Almost ready to trim up!
Ezzjaybruhcommentedweek 14a year ago
Showing out.. look so damn good
Loudercommenteda year ago
@Ezzjaybruh, thanks homie. Just a few weeks to go!
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 13a year ago
I love how green the stem is with no signs of purpling whatsoever
Loudercommenteda year ago
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, don't think I've ever had a run without purple stems! Upward!!
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 62 years ago
This is one of the most detailed diaries I’ve ever seen. Bro I’m officially jealous!
Loudercommented2 years ago
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, Appreciate it brother haha! It makes it easier to spot problems, or things I did wrong/right because I literally document everything. Only been growing about 2 years and still trying to learn as much as possible. This is definitely the most notes I've taken to date
Nicogreencommentedweek 11a year ago
Prøv at bruge HORNUM GØDNING ELLER PLAGRON BROR det fuldstændigt sindsygt godt. Jeg har lige selv haft brugt advance nutriens. Så ved du vil blive meget glad for mit råd. G Flotte planter glæder mig til at du sender mig lidt haha griner 😊 😉 👍🏼 ❤️ MVH Nicogreen on please tjek it out 👌
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 82 years ago
Hey buddy how’s you get rid of the gnats??? I think I missed it if you already gave an explanation I apologize…but would still like to know!
Qutrocommentedweek 16a year ago
Congrats on the chop. Those nugs turned out beautiful and looking delicious. Hope you enjoy the puff. ✌️🏻💨
Loudercommenteda year ago
@Qutro, Thank you. Pretty happy with the outcome. Should be a nice fall
FrontRowAG_BrianGcommentedweek 13a year ago
Caked my friend
Loudercommenteda year ago
@FrontRowAG_BrianG, I predict snow, Al Roker
the end.
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