📆 Week 1, 11-17 January 2024
11 January - This seedling is off to a good start, the tap root went straight down allowing me to put it into the permanent hydroponic bucket right away.
📑 In my experience if the tap root or any roots are not showing when transplanted into a hydro system you take a serious chance of the seedling not developing properly. They need to be able to extend straight into the water immediately. If not, they may take the long way around within whatever medium you have, appearing to be stunted in growth or suffering some kind of toxicity/deficiency - until the roots finally hit the water, then it suddenly takes off. So after transfering I always check a couple of days later to make sure the roots are in fact in contact with the water. This scenario makes it so much easier.
12 January - Overnight VPD didn’t turn out very good:
ViperSpectra XS2000 at 50% = 233 PPFD
38% relative humidity, 61 degrees F = 1.13kPa
A simple correction ellimated this problem until the plant can achieve a larger stature and control the relative humidity better. I placed a plastic dome over her, creating a mini-greenhouse. About 3 hours later the readings were much better:
60% rh, 71 d F = 1.04kPa
Now, the plant is closer to ideal range for a cannabis seedling of 0.6 - 1.0 kPa.
📑 So what is VPD (vapor pressure deficit), just how does it effect our grow you may ask? It is the plant and environment continuosly regulating/transpiring/breathing together and their responses. Simply put, a value has been placed on a set of measured numbers that give the grower an accurate estimation of where the grow is at within a know set of parameters. It’s either in, or out of it. With this number you can make adjustment to your environmet and the plant will thrive. All the grower needs is a hygrometer, math skills or smart phone, correct chart for guideline, and then to follow it. It is a wonderful and facinating tool to use, simple, powerful. We used to look at humidity and say; “it is what it is, and the temp is what it is, I think thats about right”. Well, that theory is thrown out and been replaced now with an acurate and achievable number. Plants truely respond to this theory accordingly.
17 January - 71% humidity, 72 degrees F = 0.78kPa, main tap root has made contact with the water (see picture). She has been well regulated and controlled now this week for a great start.
📑 The conditions outside this micro environment is extremely different, 0 - 5 degrees F right now, so I’m glad to have this plant surviving.
🍽️ Initial nutrient start on 11 January
🐲 Initial feeding schedule 11 January
🌊 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0
🐉 Nutrient Solution EC .9 at 65 degrees F
💡 Light power at 50%
That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
@Still_Smoq, That’s right, I’ll probably also include an amnesia in the next runs, great memories of Amsterdam vacations I have there.
The picture with the bell is btw hot. Looks like a work of art.🙏