if you have a really weak light, 24 hours is what you want.
Read up on DLI. Other factors - CO2?
use your specs from light to determine how many hours of light you can give it (with or without CO2 pumped in). Giving it more light does not help and will in fact hurt the plant. It can only metabolize so much, so fast given the environment it is in - mainly CO2, but temp and humidity will impact how much light it can use per 24hours too.
There's a nice DLI chart out there. Bet google image search shows it near top.
e.g. 12 hours/day at 900par (that's specific to m^2), is the upper limit without CO2.
To get that DLI with 50% more hours of light, you can reach the same DLI with 18hours of 600PAR light. (directly proportional)
so, it depends. If you got umol/s you can apply that to your footprint and proportional to what that would be in 1m^2 to determine your par for your area. A little algebra goes a long way, here. then use the chart or the above ratios will guide you too.