Benzelsanswered grow question 3 years ago And having run multiple lights on fish tanks over the years, And i had 19 -22 tanks running at one point with over a dozen lights from fluros to LEDs and all sorts... . LEDs dont burn throu globes. other lights do, and yeah LED's are such a massive diff its not even funny . Once LED's came along and I tried one on a fish tank heavily planted with expensive rare plants, and they grew like crazy, I quickly switched all tanks over to LEDs, with same result. Very quickly switched over to basic LED grow lights before I even looked to getting my own custom LED Fluro tubes made up in china for sale about ten years ago.
Now go have a look at a good quality replacement grow light bulb and tell me what they cost?? Hmm??
I grew weed with HPS for ages, the ballasts hummed and and got hot as, your power bills are high and the plants are weaker looking than if you ran a half decent half the power LED. Run a similar powered LED and the results are amazing. There literally is no reason to use old tech anymore- But the price of the bulbs is what grabbed me the fastest as the more lights u have, the more bulbs u need and the price adds up very fast.
Also the added heat from a MH light near the top of a tent will make the material brittle faster than a LED so ur tents last longer on top of all that!! Did I mention the ballast/transformer for the LEDs dont run hot like the ballasts for MHs do? So they last ten times longer also.
Now tell me where can you find a MH that is cheap enough and good enough to use instead of ANY half decent LED?
I hope I have convinced you the right way to go, I can list a few diff lights depending on your budget but the ones ive mentioned are the same ones Im either getting or plan to get. The P 600 series for seedlings and the XS series for growth and flower -likely a XS1500. Again I urge u to look into the P1000 and see what you think. The P1500 may be better suited to a larger tent if your doing alot of smaller plants for on-growing elsewhere for more even light coverage. best of luck..