
Bubba Kush Seedling Struggling

Lamar_Vannoystarted grow question 2 years ago
Hey Any pointers for the Bubba Kush? It seems to be really struggling compared to the Gelato. Both under the same light intensity, light approx. 40cm from the seedlings. Same temp & humidity. Not over watering, just keeping the soil around it moist. Or is it just bad genetics??
Other. General questions
NobodysBudsanswered grow question 2 years ago
"Not over watering, just keeping the soil around it moist." i think the other answers covered the possibilities of what's going on here... but this statement makes me a little concerned. you want to water a seedling in a similar way to any other pot of substrate... unless it is way too large you adjust slightly, but still same concepts. even at that size the tap root is surprisingly deep. root growth will follow the water... it is important to water at least a column of substrate (if huge pot) all the way down -- some runoff will ensure this has occured. don't keep surfact moist... that will only encourage a greater proportion of superficial roots. Erosion and other things will make these roots less useful that roots deeper down. This area evaporates the fastest and will have the most out of whack nutrient levels at any particular time because of that fact. allow surface to dry a bit ... with soil maybe 1" deep or a knuckle... then learn the weight of the pot at that point... the weight of the pot is the easiest and most consistent way to water at the same point in recurring process. never let "i do the same things to all plants" prevent you from observing and reacting to an individual plant. There are several environmental variables you do not control. There are genetics that vary. In general, less is more... this hobby has a lot of OCD nonsense baked in that does nothing but calm a neurotic need to 'do something' even when it is not needed. keep it simple... if you can't find it in a biology book or a proper source (not forums or this questions area) then you should be suspsect of the anecdotal knowledge... as much of that is often wrong. e.g. flushing at end of harvest to 'improve' the outcome is nonsense and an example of how if a group of people repeat something enough, even if wrong, many will follow and form faith-like beliefs in it. Some people tell you to cure in an airtight vessel... when anaerobic growth is the greatest risk to ruining a cure... turning it brown or bad smells like commercial/schwage weed that was left in a pile under a baking sun immediately after harvest. 80% of the information out there is bad. something you believe (and me too.. everyone) is wrong, almost guaranteed. so... don't form rigid beliefs... be willing to bend when facts contradict anecdotal nonsense. verify everything... don't just trust "me" (=anyone giving advice).
Selected By The Grower
SeedlockHolmesanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi, Happened to me before many times. Wierd growth and I couldn't guess what was different from others... Treat her with love and she'll bounce back ;) Don't give up on her! If you say you're watering it normally and the other seedling is ok don't change a thing of what you're doing. Just be careful she doesn't have wet leaves after watering as the light through the drops of water will damage the leaves. I water manually too but I aim to the pots borders.
Organomananswered grow question 2 years ago
Not all seeds make it, this could be one of those. You could spend a lot of time "hoping" or you could spend a little time planting a new seed and not have to "hope" anymore. The "information" that seedlings take most of their moisture through the leaves is absolutely untrue by the way. That is precisely what roots are for. There is no way for a cannabis plant to take in moisture in life sustaing amounts through its leaves, it is just not possible!
Budking420answered grow question 2 years ago
I find I have much better success with cuttings as it could be possibly a dud of a seed so to say. Not all beans on the tree are created equal just like apples. Hope this helps! Just keep giving her love I've got a seedling that's been on day 14 of sprouting. It's a real runt so to say.
Hashyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi mate. You could sow 10 seeds, treat all mediums the same and you may get a few that grow at the same rates as each other. Seedlings take most there moisture through the leaves so don't go overboard on the watering so you don't get damping off. Patience mate, another 7 days and you'll wonder why you worried about it. Keep it up and good luck.
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 2 years ago
looks like a bit of the soil being too hot growmie, nothing you can really do since it's ammended, you would do well to go easy on the the rhizotonic until the plant recovers, and hopefully it will recover and muscle through this. Happens sometimes when you land on a phenotype that doesnt like nutrients as much as others. hope this helps growmie ! 🚀
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'd just let it be and not worry about it too much... I just had a seed come up that was really REALLY screwy and didn't think it would even make it one day... but it did and it's looking "ok" ... not as great as her sisters but autos can be like that! I have two other grows - 3 Glueberries and 3 Lemons... all autos... and each plant is vastly different from the others. This is why some people don't like autos ... ME? I love them because they challenge me in way "ordinary" plants don't. Bubba Kush looks like she's going to be the vastly different one. It will be interesting to see how she develops but if you're treating her the way you say you are, you're not doing anything wrong.... Good luck!
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