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Germination Method

TheNextGanjaManstarted grow question 3 years ago
Of 6 only 1 seed germinated, I put the 5 directly in the soil to try to germinate, is this correct or should I try another method first?
Germination. Other
m0useanswered grow question 3 years ago
There is nothing wrong with directly in the medium unless the medium is not up to par, meaning like its got old garbage in it and lots of molds. You will never get 100% germination rate over the course of your life, shit happens and sometimes seeds are duds but 5 outa 6 duds seems a bit off. Lets break it down. The way I like to germinate is by scarfing the seed with an emery board, then soaking for 12hrs, after this I plant directly into the soil. I will plant them about 1/2" to 1" deep and keep the top later of the soil moist but not wet. misting every day. I sometimes even put a little cup over the spot where the see was to keep humidity high in that area, remove this once its sprouted though and give it fresh air once daily. Once the seed shell cracks it has germinated if a little root tip is exposed it is also classified as germinated, A lot can happen from germination to sprout. and this is where most users have the issues, ranging from overwatering/overfeeding, to heavy mediums unforgiving of seedlings or mishandling of the the little sprout. I would suggest an alternate method to germinating till you get the hang of it, I would also reach out to the company and see if they can spot you a few more, maybe there was a bad batch. Best Of Luck! ***disclaimer, multiple people are answering all questions as there is a contest called GOTM, when a user is selected as the answer they get a point. Please see the contest page for information regarding the details: growdiaries.com/giveaways/GotM-August-2022 Please note, when you reply to anything on the questions part of Growdiaries website, no one will be notified of this. Not even if you use a "@" tag in their name. Best to reach out to them in DM using your inbox, it can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the site. It's the small paper airplane button, it will be highlighted green if you have new messages***
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Selected By The Grower
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey there. So, on my 2nd run I came up against this. I had more than a 30% die off. So, I wanted to know why. And after many hours of research, and many many sites of hearing the exact same thing has shown me my errors. I was drowning my seeds, and that's what you are doing, just in your soil. m0use is right, there is nothing wrong with directly in substrate. But it is the one that is least successful, mainly because its the most hard to control. The most successful way, is to use a propagator and and peat pellet or mineral wool. Now most ppl starting off don't have these. So on my recent diaries you will see germination 101 its under, it goes into dept how to. So I'll just give a quick summary here and if you wanna have a look for yourself if you need more details or dm me. The next and most common is glass of water. So, what you want to do is drop your seeds in room temp water min 18c- max 25c for 12-24hrs. As soon as you see a tap you can take it out and then move to paper towels (this i explain in diary) but you want to keep the temp between 20-25c and the PT to be damp and no water standing on the plate as again, you'll drown your seeds. Good luck pal.
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 3 years ago
High GanjaMan, I looked at your pictures and can see straigh away why your seeds won't germinate. YOUR SOIL IS WAAAY TO WET!!! For now I would just wait but there is a big chance that they suffocated from lack of oxygen. If they are still not up after 1 week I would toss. Seeds should normally take between 3-5 days to germinate. For the next time, put your seed 0.5 cm under the soil. And spray the soil around the seed 2 times a day moist (not wet) with a spraybottle. When the seed comes up give 50 ml not to far from the seedling. When this dried up give 100 ml 10 cm away from the seedling. This way they have to search for the water and cannabis plants love that and they develop a better and bigger root system doing this! Happy Growing! 😋
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ernest_twwganswered grow question 3 years ago
Sometimes they take a week. I planted sheets of cells with different veggies this spring. I waited two weeks for them to pop before I bought more and planted those. The first batch popped up a couple weeks after I planted the new seeds. They took a month to pop! To answer your question: yes, you can germinate right in soil. A lot of people claim that germinating in a wet paper towel increases chances. My anecdotal experience makes me disagree. You can also mess up the tap root when trying to take the seed out of the paper towel. Some people let their seed soak in liquid for up to 48 hours and then plant the seed in soil. That seems to have decent results. I just plant right into the soil. When I did my GDP seeds, I planted 10 and 9 popped. I don't plant my seeds more than a quarter of an inch in the dirt. You could have just received a bunk batch of seeds, as well. I hope this helps.
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