
Light to close ?? Just until there rain stops.

Edwaz2001started grow question 2 years ago
As you guys can see what should I do with the lights on the big plant that’s in the back? I moved them in for a couple days do to the weather. She will go outside later today. Will this hurt the ?
Week 5
Setup. Lighting
DutchDoobieanswered grow question 2 years ago
High Edwaz, Good choice to move them and place them under a roof with light when it is raining a lot. The plants will be fine under these lights but just check every day to make sure that they did not grow to close to the light. 30 cm should be an okay distance with led. Closer then 20 cm and you will get problems like heatstress and lightburn. So don't forget to check them every morning and evening that they did not grow to close to the lamp! Rain is better then a lightburned main cola! For the next times when it rains you can also just place an aditional fan after the rain. Just to blow away the water and moist beween the leaves and buds to avoid but rot or mold. They are really beautiful and you will have a big harvest at the end! 😋
m0useanswered grow question 2 years ago
There are a few articles about hang heights for different type of lamps on this site, general rule of thumb 30-45cm or 12-18" is good. I feel the big strip LED one maybe to close, if its 600-1000w you can always dim it a bit. As long as the lighting period/time is the same "12/12" and its only for a few days the plants should not be to bothered if the DLI is lower. Best Of luck! ***disclaimer, multiple people are answering all questions as there is a contest called GOTM, when a user is selected as the answer they get a point. Please see the contest page for information regarding the details: Please note, when you reply to anything on the questions part of Growdiaries website, no one will be notified of this. Not even if you use a "@" tag in their name. Best to reach out to them in DM using your inbox, it can be found in the bottom right hand corner of the site. It's the small paper airplane button, it will be highlighted green if you have new messages***
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
Nope, they will be fine as long as they keep the same lighting cycle.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
won't hurt any. Yeah she's F. Lol. She will stretch massively so try keep the temp drop no greater than 5c as she looks like she is only half way into PreFlower. So, if you have a big temp drop a night, its best to run your lights at night and seal up that garage until you are ready to put them beasts back out under the sun. I don't know how good your Co2 bottle will do in a garage, not really the sealed environment needed, but won't hurt none. And as SF said, I see no lights on and doors are up, you are showing them off in full day light, don't do that too often or you will have a lot of revegging on your hands. You only need a few lux to throw your plant off. Good luck.
sativafiendanswered grow question 2 years ago
The lights fine. Are they photos @ flowering? Be a little careful of light coming from inside the house,messing about with photo-period interruptions can induce hermaphrodite tendencies.
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm impressed you could move such huge plants! Hope you had help!! I see nothing wrong with this - in fact, if the weather is forecast to be particularly bad, it's a very SMART move... and no, that light won't hurt them at all... Good luck!
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