If you have a perfect rhizosphere going on, it will adjust things to some extent. But honestly it’s doing no harm to water with a more appropriate pH for the plant. So I don’t see why ppl wouldn’t just take the extra few minutes to go ahead and pH their water.
I used that safe gro stuff when I first started growing.. It works well, it’s quite strong. Be warned, the table on the back is NOT accurate at all. You’ll have to get a feel for it yourself and have a pH pen to get in the range you want.
If you’re curious, the table on the back shows how much to use if your pH is a certain value, to the value you want to achieve - for example current pH 7.5, wanting to get to 6.0, add 10 mL to gallon.
Like I said, do not go by this. I used it for rough idea and it was wayyy to strong and brought my pH down to like 3.5-4 when I was shooting for 5.8 range.
So just keep that in mind