
Defoliation Level

Hydronautstarted grow question a year ago
Should I get every bud site opened or will a strong upper canopy pump some plump where light is less intense further down? In other words, where’s the sweet spot w/ my defol level? I have upper sites open, but thinking another defol my help race some other shoots to the top?
Week 13
Techniques. Defoliation
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
well it ate my answer that was throrough.. not re writing it all. most likely not. the gain you achieve beliw will be less than what you lose up top for several reasons. one is inverse square law applies to the concentration of light as you get furhter away from the source. also, aprical dominance matters. the plant simply gives more to the buds higher up and nothing can change that. ATP is produced by photosynthesis. 95% of that is in the leaves, 5% is any other green surface (made up numbers but the generalized idea is right.. VAST majority is in leaves.. higher concentration of chlorophyl that can be easily measured as well as proper depth to receive light in top layer of leaves -- this is why light hitting the bottom of a leaf is significantly attenuated compared to the top.. much deeper relative to surface from bottom of leaf. incontrevertible evidence as to why it would be difficult to achieve a net-gain by removing a leaf up top to provide ight down below... And, nothign to do with light hitting the buds... light hitting the leaves will cause an improvement to the buds nearby. as again, not much ATP produced from buds. ATP powers cellular growth. any endothermic reaction will require it ("uphill" reactions). ATP is the end result of photosynthesis. it is mobile, but will be used locally more so than trucked around the plant. receiving slightly more light on a lower leaf compared to the full force of light hitting a leaf near the top is a net negative in most contexts. just math... not feelings... people like to believe the things they do have a positive impact whehther they measured it or not.. .whether they had a suitable sample size to be confident about what they observed or not.
Selected By The Grower
GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question a year ago
With regards to defoliation, You should cut around 20% of the leaves and always start from the bottom part of your plant. With regards to bud sites, the bud sites on the lower parts of your plant won't grow too plump but if you have good reflective material on your sides they will be semi-decent as well. Removing these bud sites wouldn't fall under defoliation because defoliation is when you remove foliage (aka leaves) If you're going to be removing both go for lollipopping but I don't recommend that you do that for autoflowers because the time it will take to recover will be time taken from her lifecycle. Good luck with your grows
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question a year ago
Coinsido con mouse en que la planta concentra su energía hacia arriba. Corte sus brotes bajos para favorecer el rendimiento de su punta principal. O simplemente deje crecer y con los cogollos más pequeños haga mantequilla. Suerte
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
Unless you have under lighting in the base below the canopy I would be lollipopping every indoor grow. Or at least picking off the bud sites lower on the plant as they will never get big or dense, plant will force that energy upwards then.
AsNoriuanswered grow question a year ago
I am big fan, i needed to squeze big 10 plants into 2 and a bit square meters. So that helped with ligh, breath, humidity, loads of things. But still, with some strains i did selective defoliation or gradual one or no at all except few leaf here and there...... There is a lot of styles, to write all - is a book material. You know the drill, there is no 100% rule all is relative ;) I found no harm, just leaf tucking to expose side branches ,heavy lolipoping on week 3 of flower and slow selective defoliation later works best with autos.
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