break stem without severing it. use a little tape or otherwise support it. It'll heal within days. This will give you more distance form the light. In fact, after a few days you'll have to tie it down rather than supporting it from falling downward.
plant can stretch due to genetics or not enough light. more hours of light or more intense light can help. nothing you can do about genetics. This looks like it is at least partially the lack of light causing it.
the taller it gets, the worse it gets down below. (inverse suare law). a light can only properly power growth up to a certain depth, and that depends on each light's specs aand distance you operate from the canopy. more distance is more wasteful with watts, but will provide for a deeper canopy, assuming it is strong enough to be used this way.
once you flip to 12/12, this light will only cover at best 2 sq ft. m which is barely 1'5" x 1'5" LxW -- little less actually -- the more area it has to cover the larfier the buds will be.