
Trimming leaves?

James0848started grow question 6 months ago
When can I start trimming the bottom leaves to allow air circulation? How much can I do at a time as well?
Week 5
Techniques. Defoliation
Robertsanswered grow question 6 months ago
Now or even a few days from now might be better. You want her to finish her stretch or close. If you lollipop the canopy I generally do 20 to 50 percent of bottom half of plant. You go too much it will hurt your yield. Smaller branches, under, and inside bud sites can be removed. Amount, I would just do it at once, Vs stressing her out over a long time. I would want to avoid making her hermi. I do most of all my plants to some degree or another. Feel free to take a look. Dm me if you have further questions.
GanjaGeckoanswered grow question 6 months ago
Defoliation und lollipopping kann am Ende der zweiten Woche, spätestens Anfang der dritten Woche gemacht werden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist die Pflanze nicht mehr motiviert die Energie in neue knosenbildung zu stecken, sondern leitet die Energie in die noch vorhandenen Knospen. Beim lollipopping nimmt man ungefähr die unteren 30% weg. Bei richtiger Anwendung macht es sich positiv auf die Ernte bemerkbar. Bei der defoliation ist eine gute Regel das die Blätter, die Buds verdecken entfernt werden. Im unteren und mittleren Teil können auch ruhig einige Blätter weg, da sich kaum Licht kriegen. Man sollte insgesamt darauf achten das man nicht zu viel weg nimmt, so das die Pflanze weiterhin eine gute photosynthese betreibt und ihr Stoffwechsel weiterhin gut läuft. Bis jetzt aber wirklich sehr hübsche Ladys. Ganz viel Glück bei der Ernte
Team_Ballsforanswered grow question 6 months ago
doesn't look so bad.. i remove lowest leaves so that air can go through easily at bottom as well as top of canopy. Circulation fans will so the rest. Your canopy doesn't look like it is too congested. a leaf contorting is usually a sign it's not getting enoug light or for some rason light is stronger an angle other than above. That wouldn't be so bad to remove if you had a hankering to remove something. If you thin it out, just be systematic. assuming you still have symmetrical growth, take the "right" leaf off at a particular node-level and rotate plant. next node up, do the left leaf and rotate around. This will distribute the loss and hopefully not create any empty holes in canopy... light is most effective at the top. so improving light below better be worth it. A larfy bud that is slgihtly less larfy, is still larf. meanwhile, removing leaves near stronger buds is probably a net-negative (the gain below won't compensate the loss up top) or impossible to discern with the eye as far as effect.
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 6 months ago
Now is a good time. ^^ Remove every leaves from the main stems, and if you need to remove more to let the light go lower, remove only the leaves you can clearly see the stalk. I've detailed my defoliation method here yesterday, if you're curious about this topic:
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