Yo. So HighRollers is the answer you want, for sure. Moving to a fabric pot will greatly help aeration and if this happens again, the moisture will disperse faster. For the MEAN time, however, I highly suggest taking this opportunity to till the soil around your seedling (top 2-3 inches) where there aren't any root systems. Mix a crap tonne of perlite in as you go and this will help disperse all that extra moisture sitting in the soil that has no roots, while also conditioning the soil for better root travel. The long term solution is to transplant into a fabric pot with highly conditioned and loamy soil. Short term solution, to get her some oxygen and help her grow, is to till the soil and get that excess moisture outta there. When she dries out well enough, you can comfortably move her to another home. Good luck whatever course of action you take👍