@Gmalin105! Pistils are not the best way to tell when the buds are ready, for sure "red/brown/curly" pistils are a clue, but you cannot be accurate with pistils. The best way to ensure you're in the harvest window, is to take a daily close look at the trichomes, using a good magnifier or a microscope. You can find cheap handheld microscopes in your local growshop. You need to start this daily inspection once 50% of the pistils have turned red/brown/curly, so you can understand the whole trichomes maturation process and find the perfect harvest day. Trichomes will evolve, from "thin/clear/transparent" to "fat/milky/cloudy/opaque" and finally end their life by getting "amber/brown". Here's a good picture describing this evolution: http://www.cactusmartorell.com/blog-de-cannabiculture/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/evolution_trichomes.jpg. On this picture, the harvest window is on the 2 squares in the middle, with cloudy/milky trichomes. Indeed, harvesting too soon when trichomes are still clear will result in a headache weed, with low potency and bad high. Harvesting too late when the trichomes have turned amber will result in a couch-locking weed, with high amounts of CBN&CBD, but you'll loose some THC. Depending on the effects you want, you need to harvest when most of the trichomes are milky/cloudy/white, or when you'll see 20~30% of amber trichomes. I like energetic high so I usually cut when they're milky, just when the first amber trichomes have appeared. From what I see on your last pictures, I think you still have 2 to 3 weeks before harvest, you can give another meal with fertilizer, then you could use a ripening product for a few days, then flush with plain pH'd water until trichomes are ready. Hope this will help, I'll be around, keep us up-to-date and enjoy your last days with your babies 👊