Well it all depends how you wanna do it , Were I'am from people just go in the bush find a nice place that is untravelled and secluded and lay out there plants there marking it off so they remember were they gotta go . If your doing it in your yard you may wanna consider researching the strains fist some strains get really really big and some don't . You can also choose to grow auto flower's if you'd like they don't grow as tall , they flower really really fast and there's a lot of kick ass variety's to choose from . If your choosing to grow in your back yard , I would put various other plants around them as well so that it helps blend them in encase anyone does ever get a look . The smell shouldn't be too bad provided you aren't growing like 10 plants . If your doing a larger operation I would suggest you find yourself a nice spot in the bush that you can remember how to get to as well as ensure that people are likely not going to go there . I hope this information helps you better determine how to be more stealthy and discreet about your grow's as well as choosing the proper grow space (backyard/bush) for your needs . -Happy Growing!