hey man i was like you before even though i was on autos, but i received a topped plant from a lady, and i watched it grow into a nice little plant with two main colas , this is a good thing for yield. It adds what a couple weeks at most to the harvest date, but really i could add 50 or 100 more grams, i think the best way to do it is to start training early then top then see, but you could get similar or better results just by fimming twice, fimm once the plants recover quickly, wait another week or so or until they are ready again, fimm again and presto + 2 weeks overall but now you have 4 - 10 main colas. Plus you're doing photos so you're in full control, it's all a matter of whether you want a shitton of bud or you don t really care about that.... hope this helps you make the right choice **cough** FIMM **cough** TOPIT **cough** excuse me ๐