If your plant is healthy you can but before you do let me tell you a story the story of cannabis. The plant Cannabis or Sativa has evolved over thousands of years to create her biggest a best flower in order to attract male pollen and reproduce. Now if she would benefit by having her fan leaves severed mid way through a grow she would of evolved to do so. Instead she didnt the fact of the matter is when you remove a healthy leaf from a plant you are taking away a source of energy from the plant now with auto flowers they already have a predefined life cycle so any stress will slow them down. If you take that source of energy away the plant will not be able to use that leaf as energy and sugars which would be working with the whole plant to convert that light or energy into fattening up your buds more and more. Personally I only grow photo strains and will only chop a leaf if I cant tuck it under the netting or its covering too many bud sites the rest I leave.