Hey growmies!! Hope someone can give me some advice. I found this guy in my compost and hope someone can tell me what it is. Is it beneficial or not? I get a variety of answers on google and not entirely sure what kinda bug this is. Thanks 🤘
This is a young larvae "Zeuzera Pyrina" a wood eating critter. This bastard often attacks my apple tree, is potentially dangerous for the main stem but it never attacked weed, until now.
Well every now and then I find one in compost myself. Never really looked into it but it seems as a wood eating bug. I worry more about nematodes than these here.
I also think it is a beetle larvae. I'm wondering if they are beneficial for the soil health and eat the ones yoy don't want like thrips, mites and the like....
Well, the only beneficials I can think of are ladybugs 🐞 and lacewigs - and that is definitely not one of those two thinks.
It’s looks more like a meal worm- we used to use them for fishing bait.