Hi there! I just wanted to add my two cents regarding nutrients for autos vs photos. I was way overfeeding my autos when I first started because I was reading everyone was using a nutrient mix of over 1000ppms, some even getting up to 1700ppms later in the plant life. Well, it took me a few nutrient burns to do a little more digging and finding out that autos are much more sensitive to nutrient levels than photos!!! Now, I never really bring my autos above 700ppm. To be honest, I mostly stay under 600ppms. What I have found to be the most effective way to mix my nutrients now is to follow the ratios provided by the nutrient company, and then water it down to get to the desired PPM. Another thing I've been doing on my last grows is to give it two doses of this lighter nutrient batch a week. I haven't had any issues with nutrient burn as long as I stay below 575 when I'm giving them more nutrients. I will stress, however, that I usually wait until my PPMs fall around or below 100ppm before feeding again. Overall though, autos definitely seem more sensitive to high PPMs.