Hello my friend 😊
The first condition to fulfill is the light coverage. You have to make sure that all the canopy of your culture receives light and it is a factor to maintain whatever happens.😉
Once this setting is set, you can start working on the optimal height of the lamps. You must approach your lamps as much as possible👍
It's even easier. When you use CFL bulbs or fluorescent tubes to light your plants, it is almost impossible to burn them with. However, it should be noted that this type of lighting is considered to be inferior in quality to HPS lamps. In this situation, a distance of 5-8 centimeters is generally optimal between the lamp and the plants. Just make sure to cover the plants completely.
Once you have determined the optimal distance, it is very easy to keep it for any future crop operation. This may seem like a lot of work, but it's actually very simple and doing it will greatly increase the quality of all your crops: so it's worth knowing the right distance.
Good luck for your grow🌱
May the force be with you💪