foliage does not cause airy buds... they power growth. they do not hinder it. bud sites develop primarily by apical dominance. lower buds do not magically improve by removing leaves around them.
heat and RH can cause larf. Primarily it is genetics if environment had some sort of control
anythign you do won't have a huge impact over 48 hours. I've read and heard conflicting info on teh darkness stuff.. at least it has a chance of being real because it's attempting to impacts 1 of the 2 rates invovled -- rate of evaporation vs rate of growth/maintenance etc. at least it is feasible and worth testing.
there's no magic out there that drastically chnages the density and quality of your weed. sure, temps, rh, wavelengths of light can impact it in some statistically significant way, but that in now way intimates big differences. (assumes some common sense controls on temps/rh). if plantn was relatively happy, you get what you get. chalk it up to genetics. you have a lot less control than you beleive (you plural.. this is a common false belief that we have significant control over outcome... it's more of a stewardship)