
Powdery Mildew

Ryukostarted grow question 24 days ago
I got some powdery mildew on 1 of my plants any Ideas what would help to get rid of it? Kinda scared to spray some random shit on them cause of the fact that they are in flowering phase
Week 14
Other. Mold
Setup. Outdoor
potcracker7answered grow question 22 days ago
what week in flowering? Here are the 2 best possibilities THAT WORK against mildew 1. Mildew Protection Spray in 1. is a 100% biological spray......... it will definetly NOT CURE your mildew problems but reduce the speed of the mildew contamination....BEST used before bloom period just to be on safe side 2. THE ONLY 100% KILLER of MILDEW is the UVC Light....... you can buy the portable for about 250 will kill all mildew.PERIOD.......... I bouight mine about 7 years ago...NOWAdays... you can buy extra LED light UVC lights for about 70-99 euros that you can hang in your tent/growroom.......AGAIN..the PORTABLE UVC light one can use personally in close range for every plant /every leave and thus use/kill the mildew very efficntly .....THE new LED UVC lights you can use for future grows.......BEWARE UVC CAUSES CANCER...either put clothes on on your entire body and face mask/glasses or swith off the light while beeing in the growrrom/tent
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Selected By The Grower
potcracker7answered grow question 22 days ago
The name of the UVC portable unit is called : " Clean Light Hobby Unit" It will kill your mildew 100% !!!!! Beware the light causes cancer....put on clothes to cover your entire body and USE the glasses that are delivered with the unit! you´re welcome
m0useanswered grow question 24 days ago
WPM Sucks! If you have a God, now's the time to ask them for help.
001100010010011110answered grow question 24 days ago
You can cut it out and pray it has not spread. Usually by the time you can see it, it's already propagating and spreading. There are no sprays that work. All the nonsense you can read about simply is a pipe dream - milk, 'cornell' formula, h2o2 etc... all you'll do is spread it around even more with the drips. And, in flower, you don't want to spray any of that shit on buds anyway. so cut it out, bag it immediately, because a plume of spores is happening as you do it. Take more than necessary off - anything that may have come in contact, like nearby leaves.. maybe a whole side branch if more than just 1 leaf with a spot etc. pray you don't see spots in the coming days. if it's only on one plant, which is nearly impossible to be certain of, think about isolating or trashing that plant. If the colony was large, there's a good chance it already spread and you cannot see it yet. if you cut off a leaf with a tiny spot on it, you can be a bit more optimistic. "Rinsing" or washing buds does not clean it either. Extractions, edibles, or smoking are not an option unless you want to lie to yourself about it being tainted with fungi.
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Shinsimillaanswered grow question 24 days ago
Hey, Unfortunately nothing you can really do for WPM in flower. Whatever you spray will wash it off for a bit, but it is inside the plant and will come back. What you spray can sit in the buds and then you have WPM and bud rot, so avoid spraying. The best thing to do is chop whatever has it on and throw it away. Preferably chop early on a dry day and try not to shake the bud when you cut it.
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