
When is it too late for Lollipopping?

Floryxstarted grow question a day ago
I am on Day 28 of flower. Is it too late to lollipop a few small popcorn buds? Or will my plant recover from this? I have pointed out the buds i would want to cut of in the photo. Thanks already for anyone who can help me with this!
Week 8
Techniques. HST
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a day ago
Just before the end of pre flower. Them buds that you've pointed out. May aswel be left. As they've used up the energy now. So, may aswel let them all ride into the harvest together. Its all about energy management in fattening. And pre fower is where the stigmata starts giving you those buds (pointed out) they need to go before or just coming into fattening (You'll know when the plant stops stretching upwards, its finishing pre flower)
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Selected By The Grower
Kenn0rphananswered grow question a day ago
I will echo what a few others said. There is no need to lollipop her. Just let her grow. When you are ready to harvest you can cut all of the little popcorn buds off the plant first, put them into a freezer bag, and then immediately into the freezer. After a few harvests you'll have enough frozen popcorn buds to turn into some resin/rosin or edibles.
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GrowerOGanswered grow question a day ago
Hello mate, you are a little on late to do lollipopping now but it depends by how long is the flowering of the plant. If you have still one month so i think you could cut the buds that you have pointed to get more energy in the bigger ones. Good luck and happy journey!!
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Mooncatanswered grow question a day ago
Psst, Your Scrog net does nothing for you rn and probably won’t in this grow might consider removing it for convenience... Also nah just keep her growing and dont bother chopping anything by now.
BlocZanswered grow question a day ago
You can remove them but not all at the same time. Count one or two days between each cut. To really keep stress to a minimum 😉👍
001100010010011110answered grow question a day ago
At this point, cutting those off won't redistribute growth anywhere else - the buds are already formed etc.... not even sure if that is how it works, but want to strip that stuff before the buds form or right as they start. Looks like you already stripped some lower growth. I wouldn't prune any more off unelss it's so congested in that centrall lower area that the buds will be pressed against each other
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m0useanswered grow question a day ago
Your plant is to small to lollipop IMO, If it was bigger maybe. I would just leave it and let it go. Good Luck!
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MindFlowers68answered grow question a day ago
You don't need to do anything to her. Just leave those small popcorn buds they should make some decent smoke once shes done. Youhave a few options though. you could harvest the top buds first and maybe let those get bigger depending on how developed they are by the time or the 1st cut. or you could try to make some sort of cannabutter or tinture with it,and if you have a rosin press,that's a good option too. i plan on just making rosin out of some of my smaller stuff. but idk I think those will turn into some decent nugs Maybe remove a fan leave or two to get it some more exposure to the light
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Papa_Tanswered grow question a day ago
It would have been preferable to have done this seven days ago. At this point I wouldn’t mess with it. It’s already developing and you don’t want to stress the plant out during these important upcoming weeks. I would keep the smaller stuff and accept it for what it will be. Three weeks into flowering is usually when I clean things up one last time until she finishes off. So that she could use week 4 to recover and have weeks 5-6-7 are concentrating on flower production. That’s what I think.
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