mainlining is fine, but instead of stripping the leaves with the branches, leave the leaves in future-- even if it isn't what the so-called 'technique' calls for. LEaves power growth. It's one thing to remove axilla, but gauranteed net-negative to remove all those leaves.
The pattern of growth you shape matters too.. you ahve an empty cetral area and colas that are really close together in a circle. This doesn't effectively using the space.
Yes, it will stretch just like normal. Nothing different there.
More colalas oes not meean more yield. After a point all you are doing is overcrowding the area and will get a higher percentage of larfy buds due to competition for light. Yield is mostly dictated by DLI (daily light integral) and canopy size. Training does help decrease proportion of larfy buds. Energy is the currency for yield. If it doesn't absorb more, it doesn't yield more. The size of canopy limits how much it can absorb. ~3 colas per sq ft is about all you need. work backward from that in future. Train resulting colas from your mainline to fill in the space systematically as best you can. A scrog can help with this and provide support - not all plants need it, but impossible to predict 100% which will.
don't get caught up in esoteric 'techniques'. Mainlining mainly just add unnecessary vege time and wastes your money getting to the same canopy as you an achieve through similar means that don't involve pruning off so much wasted growth and resources. Stripping leaves as part of instructions is a big giveaway that it's "bro-science," too. don't worry about the labels. Do whatever it takes to reach a targeted canopy with the least amount of vege time needed to get there... no matter what 'they' label it.. it's just manipulating apical dominance. All these things have been done for centuries with other plants. None of it is new.