
First grow

2 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
20 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
6+ nutrients after
Commented by
Sorrowcz Sorrowcz
2 years ago
3 girls are really slow they others but everything is fine
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Grow Questions
Sorrowczstarted grow question 2 years ago
Just added Fish mix to feeding slightly. Acti vera + alg a mic + fish mix 1/1/1ml/1l used 2times per week as foliar. + humidifier strech humidity to 70-75% All plants are goods. This week i start with LST on all plants
Plant. Other
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey buddy. After looking thru your grow. Your feeding the soil also right? As your lowest leafs are running to issues. But, overall they look super. Lovely color. Nice growth I'm not a fan of foliar sprays. They block the pours of what draws in co2. Hence slowing growth You really should only be in need of them. If you have issues. You'll find feeding from the bottom up. Will make for much faster growth. Better co2 intake increases photosynthesis But they do look darn good Enjoy the rest of your grow
Sorrowczstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi guys! Any ideas or tips for my first grow? Is my LST done right ? Are this color of my girls right? Thanks for all tips.!:)
Techniques. LST
Growstickanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi Sorrowcz, LST looks great! Well done. All seem pretty healthy to me. Good job :) Quick question - are you using Biobizz Grow at all? I can't see it in your list. My understanding is that this is THE base nutrient and all others Biobizz additives are optional. I believe you can substitute the Fishmix for Grow during veg, which you are appear to be doing - no problems there - but you will still need to add Grow during the bloom period as they don't recommend using the Fishmix then. Which leads me to my next point - you don't need to be using Bloom or Topmax at all until you have flowers underway. I can't see any flowers in your photos. Only reason I'm saying all this is that I can see some of your leaves have lost their lustre in the 2nd to last photo (I think it's just one plant), so you might have a very early stage deficiency... possibly magnesium. I would personally ease back on the Topmax and Bloom until you see flowering in earnest, and maybe add some Grow if you have it (if not you'll need it for the flowering period anyway - at least that's my understanding of Biobizz! I'm planning on using them myself outside this summer, so I just happen to have purchased all of them this week, and read the manufacturers instructions, but I haven't actually used them myself yet). Good luck!
Sorrowczstarted grow question 2 years ago
Hi i have samé problem again. Just one plant. Ph 6.5 25C day 18C night Any ideas? Thanks guys!
Leaves. Curl down
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UnkleSkunkanswered grow question 2 years ago
se le foto le hai fatte "appena sveglie" è tutto normale con la luce dovrebbero prendere colore e tirarsi su le foglie se invece sono fatte prima del buio puo capitare che siano un po' giu perche attendono il buio terza possibilita che la foto sia stata fatta a meta giornata ,allora è possibile ci siano problemi radicali,troppa irrigazione,poco ossigeno ,troppi fertilizzanti.. vedo che usi biobizz che è un po' leggerina ma cmq va bene... io ti consigliei di lasciare asciugare bene il terreno e poi irrigare con il doppio di top max(è acido umico migliora il substrato) e bio grow e bio bloom in dosi normali...un po di micorizze e basta,questo per un paio di irrigazioni lasciando asciugare bene il substrato tra un irrigazione e la sucessiva questo ti aiuta nell' ultimo caso problema di radici...

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Anonymous_2022commentedweek 02 years ago
Good luck with your grow 🌱
Anonymous_2022commented2 years ago
@Sorrowcz, I remember a while ago there was someone on here that had 2 seedlings from 1 seed … its never happened to me before but id be well happy of it did 😎
Sorrowczcommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, Thanks! Any tips for 2plants from one seed?
Herbz_Unkrautcommentedweek 02 years ago
good luck and happy growing! 🌿
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
DutchPassion_Officialcommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck and have fun growing mate!😎
yan402commentedweek 8a year ago
Awesome looking buds for a first grow 👌🏻❤️💪