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BostonGirlGrowscommented3 years ago
Good luck 🍀 everyone! Some really great lights being given away here! 🌱
likes 12

KambleFrostcommented3 years ago
Using the FC3000 currently!
Hell of a light and would absolutely love another for my other tent.
Good luck Growmies!
Some awesome shots in here so far!
likes 9

Virginia_Nugz_540commented3 years ago
Am I the only one realizing that only 1/4 of these photos actually contain the qualifying factors of this contest?
likes 9

Robertscommented3 years ago
Good luck🤜🤛🌱
likes 9

BioBudscommented3 years ago
Awesome pictures everyone!! Wouldnt want to be judge on this one, so many great contenders.
likes 8

GeOMaTTiCcommented3 years ago
Some context for my photo, I took a picture of the underside of my light, then used that to make the Mars Hydro logo out of little Mars Hydro lights. Thought it would be fun, turned out better than expected.
likes 8

GrowNugzCanadacommented3 years ago
I’m excited to see who wins. So many great pics
likes 8

BB_UKcommented3 years ago
It’s fixed gromies 😎💚 thank you @growdiaries
likes 8

JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
Good luck 2 all🏆🏆🏆🏆👍👍👍👍
likes 8

Jackweed77commented3 years ago
likes 8

Siriuzcommented3 years ago
Good luck everyone <3
likes 8

LimoneneLover_QCcommented3 years ago
Where can we see the winners?
likes 7

Robertscommented3 years ago
@LimoneneLover_QC, they let you know if you won. 🌱
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LimoneneLover_QCcommented3 years ago
@Roberts, thanks mate its good to know, it's my first contest and i was wondering why there was no winners after a 9 days countdown.
likes 3

Robertscommented3 years ago
@Virginia_Nugz_540, they are never on time with winners. There is a lot to go through and judge. Just here now toss a dozen more contest in....
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BATMAN_GROWScommented3 years ago
Good luck guys batman likes your photos some great ones in there gna be a close competition 🤟🦇
likes 7

ZoobZoob_farmZcommented3 years ago
bonne chance tout le monde!!!!!!!!
likes 7

MrHightimescommented3 years ago
***I have drank the Kool-Aid, and live MARSHYDRO Life!***
Another fun contest! Good Luck all!!!!
likes 7

Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
Boa sorte a todos 💪
likes 7

WeGrocommented3 years ago
dis some bs.. i cant even join cus it says i have no-diarys :(
likes 6

GeOMaTTiCcommented3 years ago
@@WeGro, If you're not able to figure out how you don't meet the requirement of:
•Only Mars Hydro Diaries
Then there is nothing I could ever do for you.
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WeGrocommented3 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC,so.. the contest was "most creative mars hydro" and i had a picture of a budget hps with the marshydro brand, with the tag line that said "haters will say that its fake!"..., it dont get any more creative that that ;)
im just mad i did not get to compete with it, iim sure it would have won as im something of a computer ms paint expert.
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GeOMaTTiCcommented3 years ago
@@WeGro, None of you diaries are listed as using Mars Hydro products. No tent or lights, but one saying a "Customer Breeder or Strain" of Mars Hydro
likes 3

LimoneneLover_QCcommented3 years ago
Why there's only 3 winners? When there's supposed to be 5?
likes 6

DrNickerbauckercommented3 years ago
@LimoneneLover_QC, I just realized the same thing.
likes 2

Cannabeast40commented3 years ago
@LimoneneLover_QC,many mistakes were made in this contest, I agree..
likes 4

ZoobZoob_farmZcommented3 years ago
Join with photos showcasing Mars Hydro products or logo???????
likes 6

ZoobZoob_farmZcommented3 years ago
Cela dit félicitations aux gagnants !!!!!!!
likes 6