@NewbieMJ00! From the color of your plants I can tell you overfed during the previous weeks. Too much nutrients (especially Nitrogen) during the veg stage can definitely lead to this kind of slow bud development. But this is not the only issue. Light is one of the most essential elements for your plants, some genetics need more lighting power than others, my guess is that your WW is suffering from lack of light combined with a previous nutrient excess. In fact, light helps the plants to convert nutrients into energy, so if you did not gave your WW enough light, she was not able to handle the N toxicity. As a result, she's now building its bud very slowly and those buds might end airy. Next time, grab an EC/PPM-meter, this will help you to ensure you're giving just the right amount of nutrients. See those purple stalks? That's a Phosporous deficiency coming on. Your medium is so flooded with Nitrogen that roots cannot handle Phosphorous intake anymore. As a solution I would flush the medium for 4-8 days before giving it a good meal with a reasonable amount of P+K. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊