You really do not need to take anything. Why do all that hard work and then defol..all sites are exposed, you've done a good job of her.
Any leafs that do overlap any bud sites, either tuck them under the bud or fold them back on themselves or under something. Defol is something I did a lot of in the beginning. And really, it's not needed, I do as little as I can. Lollipop and tuck and make a even canopy. I top autos, I'm going to give the norm a go and do more LST. It's more work but wanna c is there really a big difference. I know they are more pic appealing but quanity I think not. I'm not sure about quality, y I'm trying next.
But yeah, she's even and nice. No need to be messing with any of her energy drawing leafs.
Good luck