I'd say yes she looks like she has a lot of heavy foliage.
She's out of the pre flower window.
Take most fan leafs from from bottom. And make sure you leave 2 fan leafs on top of each node to draw in power..
Don't take to much.
And before you harvest..a few days tackle it much harder. Cut leafs in half (supposedly) its meant to trigger a response as if the plant was been attacked and produces more resin/thc to protect itself.. id look into this more now.
But, yes, defo defol. All them leafs are just keeping your temp/rh up high.
And it'll allow air flow better thru your nodes. Take some off though your way past the point of any stress will hurt or hinder her growth. (Its over with, the growing, chance of any bad side affects that can come from defol...ie stunted growth, buds airy and other stuff.)
You need to get the light onto as much of those sugar leafs/colas as much as you can
And looking at your lower end. Id do she's lacking light open her up pal. Good luck.