Blueberry Muffin ⁴ / Humboldt Seed Company / Green House Feeding / Grow #6GanjaGecko
Tent-X Ultimate Grow Challenge / KrautFabrik _ X (10th anniversary zamnesia)
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AsNoriucommented5 months ago
@Camarao_Desperto, years ago they had Newbie of the Month, way easier, here huge competition, but all the Best !
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m0usecommented6 months ago
Good Luck Ya'll
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommented6 months ago
Have fun, growmies!! 😘
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420_Scenecommented6 months ago
Good luck everyone! Does anyone know what the bud jars mean? I see some lit and some not.
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Madd_Rezcommented6 months ago
@420_Scene, the ones lit up have a harvest weight it appears
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MistaOCcommented6 months ago
Good luck at all
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timbarincommented6 months ago
Good luck to all
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DeepWaterGrowercommented6 months ago
Good luck guys 💪
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Hashycommented6 months ago
Wow a comment section where its not kicking off. Good luck growers.
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Civicgrowscommented6 months ago
Some great entries guys good luck everyone
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Prilyfe13commented7 months ago
Best of luck to everyone. Can't wait to see what you all bring to the table.
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Swollencommented7 months ago
Good luck to everyone 🤞
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Hashycommented5 months ago
Well done to all. 👏👏
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WhiteEdgecommented5 months ago
Congratulation to all winners!
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GrowerOGcommented6 months ago
Good luck to all mates!!
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Prilyfe13commented4 months ago
It's my turn to ask. Anyone hear anything at all? Lol.
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Prilyfe13commented4 months ago
So what happens if they don't do the thing? Does this happen a lot?
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AsNoriucommented4 months ago
@Hashy, and i do ;)))) 2 wins last month by them ;)))) would be great for next years outdoors. Plargon contacted me too for July...
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Hashycommented4 months ago
@AsNoriu, probably not, but I'm not bothered as organics will block my drip system. Plus the month after this sponsor has already reached out.
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einamiocommented4 months ago
Dear sponsor, where are our promised prizes?
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Robertscommented4 months ago
@einamio, I just left a comment on here about my story contacting them. Be pro active not reactive basically.
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Hashycommented4 months ago
@einamio, they reaches out quite fast and delivered quickly.
einamiocommented4 months ago
@Hashy, Plagron set an amazingly high standard of professionalism.
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HIAZ_urbanbudfarmercommented6 months ago
GROW DIARIES! Its time to introduce some new competitions!!! Its very frustrating as the diary of the month comp can only contain a single strain. I'm pretty sure the majority of growers on here like to grow more than 1 strain for variety. As do I, . Usually I grow 2 to 3 different strains & don't see how it is a problem if competition is judged on the grow . Example, grow style, training methods, diary content of photos & video & also harvest details, yields, quality e.t.c. I'm currently flowering 4 different strains & if I plan on entering it into a comp, I then need to run 4 individual diaries!!! That's a lot of updates! Which can cause laziness & lack of input & info into diaries.
Secondly I'm not a fan of the grower of the month comp! Due to the fact, to be eligible you have to have answered some ones grow questions & they must choose one of your answers!!!
SERIOUSLY!!! You have new growers with little experience answering grow questions that they more than likely know bugger all about!!? I have been growing for around 2.5years, currently on my 12th grow as I grow perpetually. I'm quite confident in my growing & have had great results in the past. Read & studied heaps of theory & always like to try new methods to put it all into practice, however I wouldn't feel comfortable or confident in answering a grow question unless I've had experience with it !!! They should definitely change that requirement!!!
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timbarincommented5 months ago
@HIAZ_urbanbudfarmer, agree with you. Have 50 diaries and zero replies
0 replies
0 trophies
7 years of growing for myself
HIAZ_urbanbudfarmercommented6 months ago
@Ninjabuds, Ha ha ha ha ha ha definitely made me you have absolutely no idea at what your on about ! First off in the 2 + years I've been on here, I've found the majority of people on here seem to show respect to other growers with supportive & encouraging comments on their grows however seems you want to bag me & put shit on me! Jokes on you Buddy, to quick to shoot your mouth off! If you bothered to look a little further you would find I've run quite a few single strain diaries while growing multiple strains in the same tent
I ve run single strain diaries while growing multiple strains multiple tents! & I'm allways quoting how I like to try & put new theory I've learnt into practice to better myself as a grower. And I try to learn from my mistakes. So no I don't think I'm the greatest grower ever! I just know that I'm a better grower than you & by the sounds of it also a better person as I'm not so quick to shoot my mouth off about people or things I know little about Mr 19 diaries in 3 months as a grower of many single strains. Ha ha ha
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Ninjabudscommented6 months ago
@HIAZ_urbanbudfarmer, been growing for 2 years but you can't figure out how to make separate diaries per strain even thou their in the same tent . SMH. So many weird people like this guy on grow diaries that thinks there the greatest grower ever.
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AAApluscommented6 months ago
Good luck Growers!!!
💨 👽✌️
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Robertscommented4 months ago
I contacted them on Instagram 2 weeks ago. They got back to me today. They took my address and made me go through a verification process to ensure it was me.
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einamiocommented4 months ago
well that's a questionable "promotion" the way they handle it 😹
Prilyfe13commented4 months ago
That's shameful. Horrible way to promote. Now everyone is going to flock to them after sponsoring a contest they never planned to uphold. That's just silly of them. Wow.
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Robertscommented4 months ago
@Prilyfe13, companies who want promotion and don't want to pay any more then what the contest cost to run. Like a cash grab.
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GanjaGeckocommented4 months ago
Ich hatte über ein paar Tage mit dem Hersteller geschrieben und auch Bilder geschickt in denen hervorgeht das das mein Account war. Mittlerweile kommt keine Antwort mehr...
Update: Es kam mittlerweile eine Antwort nachdem ich nochmal geschrieben hatte. Allerdings wurde mir vermittelt das es mein Fehler war, das ich meine Adresse nicht geschickt habe, nachdem sie geschrieben haben das ihnen das Bild bzw. die Bilder als Beweis nicht ausreichen... mein Humor. Letzendlich haben sie eingelenkt, nur will ich von dem Unternehmen nichts mehr wissen. An Anbieter für Dünger mangelt es nicht
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Prilyfe13commented4 months ago
Thank you for getting on here and addressing a concern. However, the issue still remains. Why haven't you contacted the winners directly? That would avoid the scamming issues. It would also solve the whole prize problem as well. I'm just wondering why this wasn't a thing in the first place? I hope we can resolve this in a timely manner.
Kind regards
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GanjaGeckocommented4 months ago
@S_R_Organics, wie wir auch schon geschrieben haben, ging es mir darum, das mir das ihr gesagt habt das euch das Bild nicht gereicht habt auf dem klar hervorgeht das es mein Account war, ihr nochmal Beweise wolltet und auch die habe ich euch geschickt. Ihr habt euch daraufhin nicht mehr zurück gemeldet und auch nach weiterem nachfragen meinerseits kam von euch immernoch keine Antwort. Über eine Woche kam keine Antwort von euch zurück. Und als ich dann schreibe das ich es schade finde nichts mehr von euch zu hören und und gesagt habe das ich es hier auch so schreibe, wurde mir erstmal vermittelt, Zitat: "wir warten schon seit Tagen auf deine Adresse?!"
Was ich etwas für ein Witz hielt, weil wer empfindet "das Bild reicht und nicht als Beweis" und über eine Woche nicht beachtet werden, trotz erneutem nachfragen als "herzlichen Glückwunsch, schicke uns bitte deine Adresse zu damit wir dir deinen Gewinn zuschicken können" ? Und nun kommt hier die dritte Erklärung das sich viele ihre Pakete ergaunern wollten. Was ich mir auch gut vorstellen kann. Auch dazu hatte ich euch geschrieben das es ein einfaches wäre hier ein Account zu haben um gewinner anzuschreiben oder angeschrieben zu werden. Auch darauf kam nichts. Jetzt erst kommt hier was von euch. Wo ich jetzt auch verstehe das man hier nichts auf Anhieb von euch findet. Das ganze wird ja immer lustiger.
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S_R_Organicscommented4 months ago
Das tut uns wie schon gesagt sehr leid, das wir mehrmals nachhaken mussten, denn es gibt sehr viele Leute die versucht haben sich gratis Pakete zu ergaunern.
Gerne senden wir dir dein Paket zu , dafür brauchen wir wie gesagt nur eine Adresse.
Danke für dein Verständnis.
Ganz liebe Grüße
dein Team von S&R Organics
AAApluscommented5 months ago
Is this a Lottery?
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AsNoriucommented5 months ago
@001100010010011110, so you say, theoretically you can win all 16 each month with just 10 accounts ??? Interesting, interesting ... ;)))
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001100010010011110commented5 months ago
@@AAAplus, Nah, but there are more than a few people out there with more than one account that have entered. LOL. These contests should be named "biggest shill" as product placement is more important than outcomes.
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Hashycommented5 months ago
@@AAAplus, your to late to enter this one as there winners are being picked but you can join this months dotm. Its supposed to be judged which is why it takes a few weeks after it closes for the winners to be announced.