Age of the plant can impact this. Younger plants are harder to clone, but your nodes are asymmetrical so that denotes some maturity. Don't over do the powder. Dab and tap it off. Less is more. Throw out the poder that's been contaminated.
Weak light.. Like a 7.5W 500lumen LED is enough... you only want to prevent the hormonal balance from flipping to bloom -- i.e. provide more than ~15 hours of light. 16-18 hours to be safe. This will take ~2-3 weeks for the plant to grow roots before a transplant. don't touch it, don't fiddle with it, don't tug at it checking for roots during this time. Leave it alone. Water as needed.
Keep it simple. Just plant it in a cup of soil or coco or whatever substrate you use. If you use a transluscent cup, nest it inside an opaque cup as darkness is good for the rootzone.
Cut on more off the plant than you intend to use -- the entire limb. From top count to at least 6 nodes. I like to find 2 nodes close together near bottom, but that's not too important. You'll bury the bottom 1-2 nodes. Snip off any axillary growth near soil. Trim leaves up to reduce loss of moisture. Reduce solar panels, but leave axillary growth that can be worth somethign later, or it takes forever for those axillary buds to re-develope.
Check out my 4-plant grow split into 4 diaries.. you can see the progress of 4 clones taken from a plant that was only 40-some days old.
By 16-18 days they are all transplanted and now vigorously growing in a 3-gallon pot.
Aeroponics are probably faster, but don't bother with pellets or rockwool unless they are integral to something -- like a dwc can have soil in it, for example. If you plan ahead a bit, you can get clones ready even if they take "2" days longer. The first 10-14 days tehy don't even need to be in your vegetative area.. They can just sit on a desk somewhere collecting ambient light.
first day may need a prop of some sort, but by 2nd day they will stiffen up if the substrate is moist. Water after you plant it, it helps seal the soil around the stem -- important for water uptake.
Fun fact: You can wrap a node in some wet paper towel, deprive it of light further so it is pitch black, but you can still wet the paper towel. The node you wrap up will start to grow roots. You can take a cut below this root growth and have a head start :P Seriously, this would work.