
Best way to LST for small autoflower

Siggistarted grow question 3 years ago
Is there a possibility that my plant is not gonna be strong enough to handle the weight of the buds when I continue to LST the main stem in a circle very close to the ground? Is there a better way to keep the plant small without cutting the top?
Week 4
Plant. Twisted
Techniques. LST
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 3 years ago
look at @silky_Smooth diaries,,, there you see alot of possibilities, or @Burmese... he masde a wonderful scrog....... if you plant is bendy do some stem training, in shaking the stem softly between your fingers every day. give them airflow so that they shake softly in the wind. thats the way the stems are getting solid. and feeding silica, makes them strong. iam not sure how ling you have your light but iam guessing not to long, because light is abig factor too. so look at diaries, , give the plant airflow, feeding with silica, and just do with LST what you feel comfortbable with, there is no rushing start slowly and do more from grow to grow until you found your style of growing
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Your plant can not "put more energy into stronger branches". as removing leaves means your plant can not make as much energy due to the reduction of leaves. Besides, your plant can not "channel" energy, it can not make conscious decisions as to where energy goes, all energy produced gets used by the whole plant equally. Just remember - Maximum amount of healthy green leaves = maximum energy production = maximum growth. Cheers, Organoman.
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question 3 years ago
I'm not familiar with that particular strain but judging from the plant structure it's a stretchy one considering the spacing of your nodes. Not sure what your pots size is but that will drive your plant size the most. You're on the right track with your training, autos can be stubborn in breaking their apex growth but your stem will continue to bulk as those limbs develop.
Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
No, your plant will be strong enough to hold her flowers, no matter what sort of training is done. Without pruning, LST is the only way to keep your plants short. Hope this helps,........ Organoman.
PirateJoeanswered grow question 3 years ago
You’re fine. That stem is tougher than you think. Keep training in the veg state and in a week or two trim those smaller leaves so your plant will put more energy into developing stronger branches. Looking good.
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