
Grow techniques

Tarzanusstarted grow question 2 years ago
Any of the gurus of LST, main lining and other grow techiques willing to share an idea how to further improve the plants behavior. 🙂 I intend to further remove branches and leave only one at each of the nodes where there are two, make the canopy wide and airy. +root cut branches
Week 3
Techniques. LST
Techniques. Topping
Techniques. Main-lining
ernest_twwganswered grow question 2 years ago
LST is the best way to train plants, in my opinion. You don't need to trim any branches off, you just train them in different directions. Keep up with defoliating shade(fan) leaves that cover branch/bud nodes and the branches that you're training will start throwing a Lot of side branches. it's really easy to basically sculpt your plant to look like you scrogged it, without using a scrog net/trellis. If you're new here, please select the answer that helped you out the most by clicking on the "answer" button underneath what the person said. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on here. You can pull up your messages tab by clicking on the little airplane in a bubble. It's located on the bottom-right of your screen. I hope this helps!
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Selected By The Grower
Tarzanusanswered grow question 2 years ago
Yes, that is what I do. I will try reducing number of branches per node to 1, because they grow everywhere. That way I hope to get stronger main branches and more promoted branching. That way I can lead the branches away from each other fill the space inside and lead some of them outwards to further expand and widen the plant
AERO_Groweranswered grow question 2 years ago
Amigo, he probado muchas técnicas y tipos de poda, y siendo sincero, lo que hago es que en el quinto nodo (N°5) hago una poda apical, y luego espero a que crezcan aproximadamente 10 colas por planta. De igual manera voy realizando raleos o podas más pequeñas y menos estresantes, pero es lo que más se me acomoda.
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