
Harvesting time?

Manakinstarted grow question 5 years ago
The pistils are starting to turn amber, how far do I want them to go before harvesting? Also there seems to be no color in this Durban is this not normally a colorful strain?
Week 10
Other. Harvest - Drying
Master_weedaanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello my friend The best way to judge the maturity of plants is to look at the resin glands, also called trichomes. Using a microscope ideally with 100x magnification, you can easily determine the condition of the resin glands and avoid having to guess. Trichomes go through 3 different stages: 1. TRANSPARENT Transparent trichomes only contain precursor cannabinoids that are not psychoactive. Harvesting at this stage will not give you a very powerful product 2. MILKY Milky resin glands contain fully ripe THC. To get buds as powerful as possible, you need to get as close as possible to 100% milky trichomes. Note that it is impossible to obtain 100% milky trichomes, as new resin glands are continuously produced. Likewise, even after harvest, the trichomes will continue to develop. 3. AMBER Amber colored resin glands are a sign that THC has been converted to CBN, a degraded form of THC. This means that your product has lost much of its potency. CBN is not desirable in any crop, as its effects are more narcotic than a true elevation Me personally I like harvested ais around 15 to 30% amber but that is just a preference 😉 Good luck for your grow bro 👍 may the force be with you 💪
Selected By The Grower
Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 5 years ago
@Manakin Hi there mate Those buds although they look great , still have atleast 5 weeks of growing to do
Reaperanswered grow question 5 years ago
lolthese plants need to flower at least another 5 weeks
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey, Ok first of all...for only 4 weeks into flower, wow! Those look like wicked buds. My friends outdoor durban garden didn't necessarily get brilliant leaf color, but the buds were beautiful green and orange hairs. As for harvest if youre going off pistils you'll want to watch for them being about 80% colored and shriveling. If you're able to watch the trichromes too that would be best, you can usually get some decent photos with camera of them to tell if you don't have a loupe. I'd bet you've got somewhere in the range of a 10 week + flowering time, so there's still much to go and a lot more excitement and color coming over the next several weeks. With the way this diary is going already, there's many good things ahead. I can't get over how big the buds are already! I haven't come across anyone who was disappointed by their durban harvests, so happy growing and happy smoking.✌️
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