@AutoCrazy! There are a few reasons - other than genetics - that could explain why your stems are turning purple: a wrong pH range, a cold air temperature, a cold solution/roots temperature, a Magnesium deficiency, and a very high or very low relative humidity. In your situation, I would start by re-calibrating the pH-pen and stick to a 6.2 pH for the next waterings/feedings (it is the sweet-spot in soil). Then, I would increase the relative humidity up to 50% for the next weeks until late flowering (35% would be okay for late flowering but it's way to low for the vegetative+preflowering stages). I would also double-check the solution's temperature, it takes only 1 cold watering to get purple stems, so make sure your waterings are not below 20°c and not above 23°c (~68-73°F). Finally, I would add a slight dose of CalMag into the next feedings, that girl is probably hungry for Mag. The affected stems won't be green again but the coloring should stop if you find the right way to fix it. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing! 👊