The creation of NYC Diesel, a 60/40 Sativa-dominant hybrid, dates back to 1997 and is to be accredited to Soma Seeds, who won multiple awards with this spectacular strain. NYC Diesel will perform well outdoors, especially in warm and rather circumstances, but indoors is preferred. Keep in mind that this strain has a slightly longer flowering time, but it makes up for this by rewarding you with impressive yields once the wait is over. The flavor could best be described as chemical, pungent, and fuel-like – the inheritance of Sour Diesel as one of its parent strains. The aroma is quite similar but enriched with grapefruit and citrus. The high is accompanied by motivation, euphoria, and creativity, making it a great option for busy days. Some side effects may include headache, dizziness, paranoia, dry eyes, dry mouth, and the munchies. Its main medical uses aim at mood improvement, alleviating anxiety, and stimulating appetite.