
EarthBox [LOS] - HSC - Garlic Budder

10 days ago
Room Type
weeks 14-16, 16-20, 27
weeks 14, 19-25, 27
weeks 20, 25-27
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 15
12 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
[See Logs For Dosages]
1.3 ml/l
Clonex - Growth Technology
1.3 mll
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White
1.3 mll
5+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Ensign420 Ensign420
3 months ago
Introduction - Week 15|08 Summary - Ensign's log, stardate 9456.77, Wow what a week of growing! This was the first week of flower! At the beginning of the week, flipped the grow light in the main 4x4 tent to a 12/12 light schedule. All 6 phenos of Garlic Budder have been growing surprisingly well! Canopy has been filling in and looking great! Also defoliated the plants again. While defoliating, managed to get a cutting of #2 which was planted at the end of the week. As for the clones (in the 3x3 veg tent), been refreshing the air under the dome daily. Also been misting the top growth with distilled water. Still no roots, but will check again next week. Onwards to next week! [START OF WEEK 15|08] ========================================================== Garlic Budder #1 - WEEK 15|08 - Pre-Bloom [Stretch] Garlic Budder #2 - WEEK 15|08 - Pre-Bloom [Stretch] Garlic Budder #3 - WEEK 08 - Pre-Bloom [Stretch] Garlic Budder #4 - WEEK 07 - Pre-Bloom [Stretch] 06/10/24 โ†’ 06/16/24 This Week's Estimated Goals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DLI: ~21 mol/mยฒ/d PPFD: ~475 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s VPD: ~1.0 kPa This Week's Meter Readings & Averages [Lights On: 19:00 - 07:00] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DLI: 19.66 mol/mยฒ/d PPFD: 455 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s VPD: 0.92 kPa Soil %: [50.0, 42.7, 36.9, 32.4] ========================================================== Day 01 - Monday - 06/10/24 - Total Days: 105 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 81.6ยฐF [27.6ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.8% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [38, 40, 37, 31] ----------------------------------- - [09:41]: Quick morning check! --- Growth in the 4x4 is looking great! Growth is green and healthy! --- Also checked on the propagation dome (inside the 3x3). --- Growth is still green! --- Nice! --- Today is also the big 12/12 flip! --- Switching the light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12 - [10:04]: Time for the big flip! --- Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Main Tent [4x4] controller, --- Deleted the โ€˜Flower [12/12]โ€™ Schedule. --- Then renamed the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule to โ€˜Flower [12/12]โ€™ --- Adjusted the โ€˜Flower [12/12]โ€™ Schedule for the grow light. --- The ON times for the grow light in each tent are: ------ Gorilla Lite 4x4 [Mars Hydro FC-6500 | Flower 12/12]: --------- On Time: 19:00 - 07:00 ------ AC Infinity CloudLab 3x3 [AC Infinity S33 IonBoard | Veg 18/6]: --------- On Time: 16:00 - 10:00 --- As for PPFD levels, --- Going to leave the light intensity alone and will start increasing towards the end of the week (currently set to 2 out of 10). Will take PPFD readings afterwards. --- Wow! --- Now that the 4x4 is set to 12/12 while the 3x3 is set to 18/6, the perpetual cycle has begun! --- Donโ€™t frack it up Ensign! - [21:42]: Evening check. --- #1 is just raging with growth and looking happy! --- #2 looks green and just stretching upwards! --- #3 is filling the pot and looking great! --- Ooo yea! #4 is growing along beautifully! - [21:45]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [21:46]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 37% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 41% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 36% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 27% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [21:53]: Poured 8 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 3 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [22:02]: Using a pump sprayer, --- Misted the straw mulch of #4 with 6 cups of distilled water. --- Focused mainly on the straw mulch. --- Also misted the straw mulch of #3 (in the grassroots fabric pot) a bit. - [22:11]: Checked propagation dome (in the 3x3), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Growth is still green! Both hyped and still surprised! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [22:19]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. Day 02 - Tuesday - 06/11/24 - Total Days: 106 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 81.2ยฐF [27.3ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.3% - VPD: 0.92 kPa - Soil %: [40, 41, 41, 38] ----------------------------------- - [16:21]: Evening check on the propagation dome (in the 3x3 veg tent), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Growth is still green! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [16:25]: Took the dome temporarily outside to check for roots. --- Itโ€™s been 5 days since these cuttings were planted into the Coco Coins. --- Still no roots, but thatโ€™s okay. --- Hmm. --- The coco coins seem a bit dry. - [16:28]: Placed the dome back into the 3x3 tent. --- Going to give each coin a quick dunk in a wetting solution. - [16:54]: Time to re-wet the Coco Coins! --- Filled a measuring cup with 3 cups of distilled water. ------ Added a pinch of Quillaja Saponaria Extract [60] ------ Added 1/32tsp of Horticultural Aloe ------ Added 1/16tsp of Mycrobe Complete --- Mixed the solution thoroughly. - [17:02]: Took the dome back out of the tent. --- One at a time, gently took each Coco Coin and dunked them into the wetting solution for a good 4-5 seconds before placing it back into the tray. - [17:13]: Placed the dome back into the 3x3 tent. --- Will check back in another week or so for roots. --- Keep on growing ladies! - [17:19]: Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Main Tent [4x4] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Flower [12/12]' Schedule for the humidifier. ------ Decreased the VPD target value from 1.5kPa to 0.8kPa ------ Decreased the MAX level from 8 to 0 --- This will keep the humidifier essentially off. Will increase back later when there are plants on the floor. - [19:12]: Night check on the 4x4 flower tent. --- #1 is out of control! Wow sheโ€™s big! --- #2 is continuing to stretch upwards. Her fan leaves are huge! --- #3 is the shortest of the plants, but still looking good! --- #4 is looking healthy and green! Her canopy is - [19:15]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [19:21]: Poured 8 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 4 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [19:41]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. Day 03 - Wednesday - 06/12/24 - Total Days: 107 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 80.5ยฐF [26.9ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.0% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [49, 41, 38, 32] ----------------------------------- - [22:44]: Night check on the 4x4 flower tent. --- Ooo yea! The garden is looking great! --- #1 has completely taken over the tent! Wow sheโ€™s huge! Also getting really close to the light. --- #2 is growing along and looking perky! --- #3 is getting larger! She is still the smallest, but looking green and happy! --- #4 is healthiest looking of the bunch! Looking great girl! - [22:48]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- EB1's reservoir was completely dry! --- EB2's reservoir still had a bit of water. - [22:56]: Poured 8 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [23:04]: Checked on the propagation dome (in the 3x3 veg tent), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Growth is green and looking great! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [23:09]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. --- As far as ease, this has been one of the simplest grow cycles. --- Pretty much have not fertilizer fed anything. --- Also havenโ€™t really adjusted the light at all. Intensity levels have been pretty low throughout this entire grow (still set to 2 out of 10). --- Have been noticing larger nodal spacing. This could be due to the lower light levels, but also could be genetics. I think. --- Plan to do a defoliation tomorrow. --- Keep on growing ladies! Day 04 - Thursday - 06/13/24 - Total Days: 108 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 80.4ยฐF [26.9ยฐC] - Humidity: 73.6% - VPD: 0.92 kPa - Soil %: [53, 42, 37, 30] ----------------------------------- - [19:23]: Night check! --- Ooo yea! Garden is filling in nicely! --- #1 is still continuing to stretch upwards! --- #2 is looking weird, but still growing! --- #3 is the runt of the lot, but she is continuing to fill in the fabric pot. --- #4 is by far the healthiest of the phenos! There is no leaf damage and growth has been incredible! - [19:25]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [19:30]: Poured 8 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 3 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [19:39]: Filled a pitcher with 5 cups of distilled water. --- Added 1/32tsp of Quillaja Saponaria Extract [60] --- Added 1/16tsp of Big 6 Micronutrients [+ Humic Acid] --- Added 1/4tsp of Horticultural Aloe --- Added 1/4tsp of Mycrobe Complete --- Added 1/2tsp of Horticultural Coconut --- Also added 1/8tsp of BuildABloom --- Mixed the solution and poured it straight into a pump sprayer. - [19:56]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 53% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 42% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 36% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 26% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [20:04]: Misted the entire solution onto #4โ€™s straw mulch. --- Focused mainly on the straw. --- Tried to go slowly with a slight (smoke) break in between. --- Time for another round of defoliation! - [20:21]: Using a pair of cleaned trimmers, --- Gently removed the large fan leaves from all plants. --- Mainly focused on #1 and #4, but also defoliated the plants in the back. --- Also trimmed the cover crop. --- While defoliating, the trimmings were placed onto the mulch of both EarthBoxes. --- Okay! - [21:15]: Took general PPFD readings. --- #1 was around 483 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 31.30 mol/mยฒ/d --- The canopy is really getting too close to the light. - [21:24]: Raised the light up a bit. --- Also raised and adjusted both oscillating fans. - [21:27]: Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Main Tent [4x4] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Flower [12/12]' Schedule for the grow light. ------ Increased the MAX from 2 to 3 --- The FC-6500 is now utilizing around 261.6W (at intensity 3 out of 10). - [21:32]: Took new PPFD readings. --- #1 was around 455 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 19.66 mol/mยฒ/d --- #2 was around 372 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 16.07 mol/mยฒ/d --- #3 was around 282 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 12.18 mol/mยฒ/d --- #4 was around 453 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 19.57 mol/mยฒ/d --- Great! --- Mainly creating more space for growth while keeping the PPFD levels about the same (or just under). --- DLI is now being calculated under 12/12 so the lower levels are normal. --- Will gradually ramp the DLI up over the next few weeks. - [21:40]: Took the weekly height and light distance measurements. --- #1 was about 28.5" tall. --- #2 was about 20.5" tall. --- #3 was about 11.5" tall. --- #4 was about 26" tall. --- #1 was about 10.5" away from the grow light. --- #2 was about 17.5" away from the grow light. --- #3 was about 24" away from the grow light. --- #4 was about 13" away from the grow light. - [21:51]: Checked on the propagation dome (in the 3x3), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Growth is still looking nice and green! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [21:55]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. --- Hopefully I did not over do the defoliation. --- Noticed that these plants in general are quite lanky. --- This could be due to the lower light levels. Depending on growth, may start increasing the light even more. - [22:22]: While defoliating #2, I think I managed to clip a viable cutting for rooting? --- Going to give it a go! --- Filled a measuring cup with a cup of distilled water. ------ Added 1/8tsp of Horticultural Aloe --- Mixed the solution and poured it straight into a solo cup. --- Cleaned the bottom of the cutting a bit and placed her into the solo cup before placing the cup onto the 3x3โ€™s floor. --- Plan to change the water out tomorrow! - [23:33]: Adjusted the left oscillating fan. --- Re-angled the airflow downwards. - [23:44]: Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Main Tent [4x4] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Flower [12/12]' Schedule for the exhaust fan. ------ Increased the Humidityโ€™s HIGH trigger value from 85% to 87% --- For the Veg Tent [3x3] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the humidifier. ------ Increased the VPD target value from 0.8kPa to 1.0kPa ------ Increased the MAX level from 0 to 8 Day 05 - Friday - 06/14/24 - Total Days: 109 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 80.9ยฐF [27.2ยฐC] - Humidity: 73.4% - VPD: 0.94 kPa - Soil %: [56, 44, 36, 37] ----------------------------------- - [21:08]: Night check on the 4x4 flower tent. --- #1 is dominating! She has some leaf damage, but overall growth is just insane! --- #2 has somehow outgrown #3 and is almost as tall as #4 and #1. Growth has always looked funky, but keep on growing girl! - [21:13]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs still had some water. - [21:18]: Poured 4 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [21:28]: Checked on the propagation dome (in the 3x3 veg tent), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Growth is still surprisingly green! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [21:30]: Checked on the cutting of #2 (on the floor). --- Nice! Sheโ€™s looking green! --- Swapped the aloe water with a fresh cup of distilled water. --- Going to let the cutting soak another day. Plan to plant the cutting tomorrow! - [21:35]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. - [22:33]: Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Veg Tent [3x3] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the exhaust fan. ------ Decreased the MIN level from 2 to 1 Day 06 - Saturday - 06/15/24 - Total Days: 110 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 83.1ยฐF [28.4ยฐC] - Humidity: 76.0% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [58, 46, 35, 31] ----------------------------------- - [20:15]: Night check on the 4x4 flower tent. --- Garden is looking incredible! Wow! --- All phenos are looking perky and just filling the tent in! - [20:17]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs still had some water. EB2 was almost dry, but not completely. - [20:20]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 58% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 46% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 34% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 30% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] --- Not going to bottom water tonight. - [20:26]: Checked on the propagation dome (in the 3x3 veg tent), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Hmm. For the most part, growth looks green! --- But there does seem to be certain areas that are beginning yellowing. --- The areas are pretty localized to under where the bars are placed. --- Could this be light burn? --- The rest of the growth looks nice and green! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [20:33]: Checked on the #2 cutting. --- Cutting is looking green! - [20:36]: Time to begin the rooting process! --- Filled a measuring cup with 1 cup of distilled water. ------ Added a pinch of Quillaja Saponaria Extract [60] ------ Added 1/64tsp of Horticultural Aloe ------ Added 1/32tsp of Mycrobe Complete --- Mixed the solution thoroughly. - [20:45]: Dropped a Coco Coin into the measuring cup. --- The coin immediately started to expand. --- [~10 minutes later] --- Took the Coco Coin and slightly shook enough moisture out so it wasnโ€™t dripping, yet still pretty saturated. - [20:59]: Using a squeeze bottle filled with Clonex, --- Gently filled the pre-made hole with Clonex rooting gel. --- Temporarily set the Coco Coin in a solo cup. - [21:02]: Time to plant the cutting! --- Gave the cutting a misting of distilled water. --- Using a pair of clean trimmers, made a final 45ยฐ cut through the bottom node. --- Then stripped away and scared some of the stemโ€™s outer membrane before planting. --- Made sure the node was at least a good 1" below the surface of the coco. --- To help with planting, while inserting the cutting, gave the Coco Coin a gentle squeeze to loosen the coco. This also helped to ensure the coco and gel was in good contact with the cutting. --- Once the cutting was planted, placed her into the propagation dome. --- Made sure to mark the spot where the cutting was placed. - [21:17]: Changed the intensity of the bar lights (for the propagation dome). ------ Decreased the MAX intensity level from 2 to 1. --- The light at max intensity only draws 28W of electricity so not worried about the wattage. --- Done! - [21:23]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. Day 07 - Sunday - 06/16/24 - Total Days: 111 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~01:00] - Temps: 82.7ยฐF [28.2ยฐC] - Humidity: 75.6% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [56, 45, 34, 28] ----------------------------------- - [19:19]: Night check on the 4x4 flower tent. --- Ahhhh yea! The garden is banging! --- Wow! All phenos are just perky and stretching with growth! - [19:24]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- EB1's reservoir still had a tiny bit of water. --- EB2's reservoir was completely dry! - [19:26]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 55% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 45% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 34% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 25% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [19:33]: Poured 4 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [19:38]: Defoliation time! --- Using a pair of trimmers, --- Gently removed #4โ€™s larger fan leaves. --- Wow! She is by far the healthiest! --- No leaf damage on any leaves and wow the growth is huge! --- Also did some minor defoliation on #1 and #2. --- Placed the trimmings onto the top mulch of both EarthBoxes. - [20:04]: Filled a pitcher with 5 cups of distilled water. --- Added 1/32tsp of Quillaja Saponaria Extract [60] --- Added 1/4tsp of Horticultural Aloe --- Added 1/4tsp of Mycrobe Complete --- Mixed the solution and poured it straight into a pump sprayer. --- Misted the straw mulch of #4. --- Focused mainly on the straw. --- Wow! Again, the health of #4 is a mind trip. This could be the genetics, but I think itโ€™s because of the way she has been grown. Solo cups are the way to go! --- Also, am starting to consider trying a flower cycle with no EarthBoxes and just fabric pots. - [20:22]: Checked on the propagation dome (in the 3x3 veg tent), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [20:27]: Checked a #4 clone for roots. --- Oh Wow! She has roots! --- Some of the tips have started to root prune, but for the most part, roots look white and healthy! --- Okay well time to transplant! --- Going to be transplanting into BuildASoil 3.0 potting soil. --- As with the last seed (#4), going to be planting and watering these clones in solo cups! --- Also going to be transplanting a #1 pheno for the Global Grow Cup 2024! - [20:36]: Using a pair of scissors, --- Cut the corners off of a (~16oz) solo cup (for drainage). --- During the transplant process, placed the cut cup in a uncut cup. This was supposed to help prevent a mess. --- Anyways, --- Prefilled the solo cup with some BuildASoil 3.0 potting soil. --- Filled the cup about halfway, but also have another cup on standby to --- Before transplanting the clone for the GGC2024, going to practice with a few first. - [20:39]: Starting with #4, --- Took a rooted clone and placed her into the partially filled solo cup. --- Made sure the Coco Coin had enough room for more soil. - [20:52]: Inoculated the roots with some Great White mycorrhizae. ------ Sprinkled about an 1/8tsp of Great White --- Made sure to coat the roots as evenly as possible. - [20:55]: Gently filled the solo cup around the clone with more soil. --- Gently even and patted down the top soil a bit. - [20:56]: Added some BuildASoil Organic Barley Straw to the top. --- Broke the straw mulch up a bit to help cover the top soil. - [20:59]: Placed the planted clone into the 3x3 veg tent's floor. --- The solo cup was also place on top of a drip try. --- Misted the top growth and straw mulch with a few mists of distilled water. --- Now for the rest! - [21:32]: Repeated this process until all but #1 clones remained. --- There were also two clones from other phenos also left (#2 and an OG #2 cutting). --- Okay! - [21:33]: Time to finally begin the process of transplanting my entry for the Global Grow Cup 2024! --- Going with a #1 pheno (of Garlic Budder by Humboldt Seeds Company). --- I originally planned to transplant the clone into a smaller container, but there does not seem to be enough time (have until the 30th to submit my entry). --- So going from the rooted Coco Coin straight into the final container! --- Anyways, life happens. --- Time to start! --- Similar to the prior clones, - [21:35]: Took the rooted clone and placed her into the prefilled cup. --- Inoculated the roots with Great White mycorrhizae. ------ Sprinkled about an 1/8tsp of Great White --- Made sure to coat the roots as evenly as possible. - [21:38]: Gently filled the solo cup around the clone with more soil until the cup was filled. --- Referenced the original video submission and made sure not to overfill the cup. --- Gently evened and patted down the top soil a bit. - [21:40]: Added some barley straw to the top. --- Broke the straw up a bit to help cover the top soil. - [21:56]: Placed the planed clone into the 3x3 tent. --- In total, 8 out of the 11 cuttings successfully rooted! --- Obviously the #2 pheno has not rooted yet (recently cut and planted). But there was a --- Not too bad! --- Now that all the transplanting is complete, --- Time to water! - [22:13]: Filled a measuring cup with 2 cups of distilled water. ------ Added 1/64tsp of Quillaja Saponaria Extract [60] ------ Added 1/16tsp of Horticultural Coconut ------ Added 1/16tsp of Horticultural Aloe ------ Added 1/8tsp of Mycrobe Complete --- Mixed and poured the solution straight into a spray bottle. --- Similar to the my first solo cup waterings, going to be watering based on weight. --- Starting with the GGC2024 entry, - [22:19]: Took the dry weight for the cup. --- She weighed 272.7g --- Looking back at my logs, --- Based on the waterings from my first solo cup grow (which was pheno #4), --- 220-255g has been a good average for dry soil weight. --- Each saturated weight started around 317-320g with later weights ranging from 320-330g and got as high as 360g for later growth. --- Going to basically do similar watering for these clones. --- Hopefully this works! --- While on the scale, --- Gently misted the straw mulch. --- Focused on the straw. --- Misted 5-10 sprays. Waited a few seconds, then misted again. - [22:22]: Repeated this process until the cup weighed ~321.7g --- There was no runoff. --- Placed the GGC2024 cup back into the tent. - [22:43]: Repeated this process of weighing and watering until all 8 solo cups were watered. --- Discarded the rest of the solution. - [22:44]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. --- Wow what a day! --- This week is growing at warp speed! --- Did not expect to plant the rooted cuttings until next week. Hyped that for the most part, these ladies are all transplanted and ready to start growing! --- Probably should be using some sort of humidity dome to harden the clones off, but going to let these ladies recover from the transplant and environmental shock. --- I only need one of each pheno to survive (currently have 4 cloned phenos). --- I have until next grow cycle so time is not an issue. --- Stoked to finally have the ability to preserve my own genetics! --- Once these clones fully root in these solo cups, going to select the healthiest for transplanting! Going to try to give away the rest (I really donโ€™t want to cull the extras). --- Maximum warp Ensign, Engage! [END OF WEEK 15|08]
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Happy_Rootsweek 0
Jesus man, this is the most detailed diary i have ever seen. Well done sir!
@nijuana, Nah! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿ––
@Happy_Roots, it's too much ๐Ÿ˜…
Lemonhazeloverweek 0
I like your diary happy germination and good luck buddy โ˜˜๏ธ
@Ensign420, im happy for u ๐Ÿ’š
@Lemonhazelover, Thanks buddy! I'm always a bit nervous during the first few weeks after germination. But glad to say that so far so good! ๐Ÿ‘
Goldenweek 1
Coming along nicely bro. Iโ€™m busy with Garlic Budder too, the buds are starting to turn purple end of week 5 flower
@Golden, Thanks dude! Your plants are looking great as well! Hopefully I'll make it to flower, but going to be vegging for a bit.
gottagrowsometimeweek 0
Very detailed diary. I like ur heater. Something I don't need but definitely want 1 lol.. Look forward to seen how you adapt this to pushing your grows forward.
@gottagrowsometime, Thanks growmie! Yea, sometimes I can get a bit too detailed, but this is all just for fun! Been using Ac Infinity's Thermoforge T3 heater for just over 2 weeks and have to say that it's the best! Highly recommend! The unit easily heats a 4x4ft grow tent along with my 10x10ft lung room. Keep in mind that it never snows where I live, but it can get pretty cold in the winter (Southern California - US). What's most impressive is that in combination with the Cloudforge T7, my overall weekly VPD averages have been a lot more stable! Also the day to night temp swings have been greatly reduced (less than 10 degrees/percent difference on the weekly temps/RH averages).
OrganicChronicweek 10
I see you're running Build-A-Soil.. Great company, products, ethics! The dude has a sweet youtube channel as well worth checking out if you haven't. Cheers good luck!
allways_beginnerweek 1
Greetings. I'll read your comments. In detail.
nijuanaweek 24
Beautiful diaries
Papa_Tweek 23
Hommie ainโ€™t playing around!! Busting out the MQ-500. ๐Ÿค™
Dabkingweek 23
Nice diary. lots of pictures and info.
Legendaryseedthumbweek 22
Hello, nice to see your page! Good luck with everything! If you have any time to spare please come by my page I just started a new journal!